(26-29 November 2011, Konya,Turkey)
The General Purposes And Content Of The Project
In terms of social,cultural,technological and economical circumstances ‘Development Plans’ have been a more important tool than it was in the past and due to the importance of these circumstances,designing and renewing development these circumstances are inevitable.Present positions of the countries vary according to the changing circumstances.During the ‘national and reginoal development’ project,good or bad aspects of the countries are to be determined with the help of the ideas of the youth.The project is to help participatory countries and regions by providing a long-term perspective and targets.In this aspect,the project will help organizations and individuals such as government institutions,public and society,share communication and same targets.
1.To set a suitable ground,the projects for the youth aims to prepare ‘movement projects’ among many different options in the places where development is still essential such as Turkey,Middle East,Eastern Europe,Balkans,Africa,Central Asia and South Africa.
2.To successfully maintain economical,social,cultural and technological developments,the project aims to take partipation in development movement of the youth with the help of the youth .
3.With the help of these movement projects firstly in Turkey and consecutively in the member countries of the EU,the project aims to establish ‘an international solidarity and cooperation system’ between the youth and public.
4.To meet and gather young people in an international platform,the project which will help to produce policies for national and regional development is to inform governmental organizations and institutions.
With the project,solutions will be found in the home country,Turkey,which is now in the leading position all over the world.So,common cultural ties will be established or improved and it will help to prepare cooperations in the future.As a result ,people in other countries will focus on Turkey’s strong,dynamic and successful development.
Participating Countries
Turkey, Afghanistan,Palestine,Syria,Kosovo,Moldova,Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia,Serbia,Senegal,Sudan,Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan,Pakistan,Montenegro, Egypt, North Cyprus Turkish Republic.
4 sessions in 3 days:
1st Day :Technological Development-Economical Development.
2nd Day: Cultural Development-Social Development
At each desk,
A chairman,a general secretary,a reporter and 4 true members.A representative of the participatory
countries at each desk.There will be 7 people at each desk and in total there will be 4 desks.
Participants should register online.
The evalution of the applications will be determined by the ‘ evaluation commission’ consisting of 10 people.
At each desk for each session topic,7 national development projects and with the combination of these 1 regional project will be prepared.
At the end of the organization,in total 56 national and 8 regional development projects will be done and all these projects will be sent to the organizations and institutions mentioned.
Participant Profile and Selection of Candidates
Young activists,university students,representatives of youth organizations and young artists who have projects or planing projects in the field of national and regional development are all welcome.
Online Partipation:Participants who are not allowed to or participated in the project may directly share their project in an online network and follow the project online.
The selection of the candidates:The online applications of the participants will be determined by special commission according to evaluation criteria.
Information About Application Period:
Deadline: 30.10.2011
The Date for Notification of Acceptance on: www.ey-sa.org 01.11.2011 Deadline for participants to inform their confirmation: 02.11.2011
Date of organisation: 26-29 November, 2011
Location of Organisation: Bera Mevlana Hotel KONYA/TURKEY
You must apply this organisation online. Therefore, you can get the application form www.ey-sa.org CAUTION:. Remember that you must apply most lately 30th October, 2011 till 5:00 p.m. The applications which are sent after deadline hour are not going to be considered. The list of the participants who are accepted for organisation will be declared on 04th November, 2011 from www.ey-sa.org
Only one participant can be accepted for the organisation per country. On behalf of the applicants who will not participate although they are accepted, and who do not approve their participation till on 6th November, 2011, the new participants will be included from waiting list. It is impossible that the ones who cancel their place can give way to the ones who are in the same foundation.
Acommodation and Transportation:
The project will be organised in Konya/Turkey. Throughout the 3-day programme, all the expenses (food and beverage, accommodation) of the participants will be met by EUROPEAN YOUTH SOCIETY ASSOCIATION (EYSA) The transportation expenses, (considering the beginning and ending dates of the organisation, and providing buying economic class -train and/or bus- tickets) will also be met by Premiership, and the carfares or over the fair value of payments will be made to the EURO accounts which are declared by participants in following weeks, on condition that the bills and/or required documents are submitted.
The participation to all sessions of the organisation is necessary.
The full mailing address where the organisation is going to be realized will be sent to the participants whose application is accepted via the e-mail address which is indicated in the application form.
E-mail : eysa42@hotmail.com