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петак, 21. октобар 2011.

Seminar: "Networking for developing youth projects, Belorusija

U-active Forum idea has been developed by a group of students studying in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and acting in Youth-In-Club, non-formal group of students interested in developing and participating in international projects. The Forum will take place on the 24-26 November in Grodno, Belarus.
“U-active” has a triple meaning: “you active”, “active youth” and “active University”. The Forum intends to bring together interesting, initiative and active students all over Europe and let them exchange their ideas by providing informative sessions and learning opportunities with outstanding speakers who have a huge international project experience and a will to help with idea and project generation. This is supposed to be the Forum during which there will be a chance to establish contacts with young people, share experience, find partners for interesting project ideas and probably for future social and business projects.


U-Active Forum intends to bring together interesting, initiative and active young people all over Europe and especially from partner universities.
The Forum encourages the participation of both undergraduate and postgraduate leaders of youth or student organizations.

You can participate in the Forum if you:
  • have high motivation and active life style;
  • are a leader of a youth or student organization;
  • have some experience of youth projects realization;
  • would like to realize joint international projects;
  • would like to exchange your experience with Belarusian students;
  • have good knowledge of English (communicative level).

Registration Fee

There is a registration fee for participants of the U-Active Forum.
Participants have to make a payment of:
  • 20 EUR: all participants
  • 70 000 BYR: Belarusian participants
Donations from participants should be made on their arrival at the registration point.
Donations in Euro are accepted equivalent to Belarusian rubles on the day of arrival.
The registration fee includes:
  • participation in the Forum;
  • access to all the program sessions;
  • coffee breaks during sessions;
  • conference materials;
  • breakfasts, lunches and dinners throughout the Forum;
  • accommodation in the student’s dormitories during the Forum;
  • cultural program.

How to register

Each participant has to register for the U-Active Forum. The deadline for registration is 3th November, 2011. Please fill in the Registration Form carefully and provide the relevant information (especially those who need visa to Belarus) and send a short CV. There is a recruitment process for all applicants. All participants will be notified by e-mail until 7th November, 2011.
The program of the forum can be found – HERE

For further questions or coments contact the Yoith-In-Club Project Office
Tel.: +375 152 731 954
Fax.: +375 152 731 910
e-mail: u.active.forum@tut.by

Poziv za seminar u Turskoj

(26-29 November 2011, Konya,Turkey)

The General Purposes And Content Of The Project
In terms of social,cultural,technological and economical circumstancesDevelopment Planshave been a more important tool than it was in the past and due to the importance of these circumstances,designing and renewing development these circumstances are inevitable.Present positions of the countries vary according to the changing circumstances.During thenational and reginoal developmentproject,good or bad aspects of the countries are to be determined with the help of the ideas of the youth.The project is to help participatory countries and regions by providing a long-term perspective and targets.In this aspect,the project will help organizations and individuals such as government institutions,public and society,share communication and same targets.

1.To set a suitable ground,the projects for the youth aims to preparemovement projectsamong many different options in the places where development is still essential such as Turkey,Middle East,Eastern Europe,Balkans,Africa,Central Asia and South Africa.
2.To successfully maintain economical,social,cultural and technological developments,the project aims to take partipation in development movement of the youth with the help of the youth .
3.With the help of these movement projects firstly in Turkey and consecutively in the member countries of the EU,the project aims to establish ‘an international solidarity and cooperation systembetween the youth and public.
4.To meet and gather young people in an international platform,the project which will help to produce policies for national and regional development is to inform governmental organizations and institutions.
With the project,solutions will be found in the home country,Turkey,which is now in the leading position all over the world.So,common cultural ties will be established or improved and it will help to prepare cooperations in the future.As a result ,people in other countries will focus on Turkey’s strong,dynamic and successful development.

Participating Countries
Turkey, Afghanistan,Palestine,Syria,Kosovo,Moldova,Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia,Serbia,Senegal,Sudan,Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan,Pakistan,Montenegro, Egypt, North Cyprus Turkish Republic.

4 sessions in 3 days:
1st Day :Technological Development-Economical Development.
2nd Day: Cultural Development-Social Development
At each desk,
A chairman,a general secretary,a reporter and 4 true members.A representative of the participatory
countries at each desk.There will be 7 people at each desk and in total there will be 4 desks.
Participants should register online.
The evalution of the applications will be determined by theevaluation commissionconsisting of 10 people.
At each desk for each session topic,7 national development projects and with the combination of these 1 regional project will be prepared.
At the end of the organization,in total 56 national and 8 regional development projects will be done and all these projects will be sent to the organizations and institutions mentioned.

Participant Profile and Selection of Candidates
Young activists,university students,representatives of youth organizations and young artists who have projects or planing projects in the field of national and regional development are all welcome.
Online Partipation:Participants who are not allowed to or participated in the project may directly share their project in an online network and follow the project online.
The selection of the candidates:The online applications of the participants will be determined by special commission according to evaluation criteria.
Information About Application Period:
Deadline: 30.10.2011
The Date for Notification of Acceptance on: www.ey-sa.org 01.11.2011
Deadline for participants to inform their confirmation: 02.11.2011
Date of organisation: 26-29 November, 2011
Location of Organisation: Bera Mevlana Hotel KONYA/TURKEY
You must apply this organisation online. Therefore, you can get the application form www.ey-sa.org
CAUTION:. Remember that you must apply most lately 30th October, 2011 till 5:00 p.m. The applications which are sent after deadline hour are not going to be considered.
The list of the participants who are accepted for organisation will be declared on 04th November, 2011 from www.ey-sa.org
Only one participant can be accepted for the organisation per country. On behalf of the applicants who will not participate although they are accepted, and who do not approve their participation till on 6th November, 2011, the new participants will be included from waiting list. It is impossible that the ones who cancel their place can give way to the ones who are in the same foundation.
Acommodation and Transportation:
The project will be organised in Konya/Turkey. Throughout the 3-day programme, all the expenses (food and beverage, accommodation) of the participants will be met by EUROPEAN YOUTH SOCIETY ASSOCIATION (EYSA) The transportation expenses, (considering the beginning and ending dates of the organisation, and providing buying economic class -train and/or bus- tickets) will also be met by Premiership, and the carfares or over the fair value of payments will be made to the EURO accounts which are declared by participants in following weeks, on condition that the bills and/or required documents are submitted.
The participation to all sessions of the organisation is necessary.
The full mailing address where the organisation is going to be realized will be sent to the participants whose application is accepted via the e-mail address which is indicated in the application form.


E-mail : eysa42@hotmail.com

Traži se predgrupa za Hladno pivo

Promoterska kuća Long Play je juče otvarila konkurs za predgrupu koji će svirati na velikom koncertu zagrebačkog benda Hladno pivo 2. decembra u Hali sportova u Beogradu.
Saopštenje LOng Playa:
Zaključno do 11. novembra na mejl info@longplay.rs mogu nam se javiti svi zainteresovani muzičari iz Srbije, bivše Jugoslavije i ostatka planete, bez obzira na žanrovsku, nacionalnu, versku, klupsku i svaku drugu pripadnost.
Long Play ekipa udruženim snagama sa momcima iz Hladnog piva odlučiće posle 11. novembra ko će od prijavljenih imati izuzetnu priliku i čast da se pre glavnih zvezda popne na binu beogradske Hale sportova.
U prijavi je potrebno poslati najmanje tri svoje pesme u mp3 formatu ili neko onlajn izdanje (singl, EP ili album), fotografije, kratku biografiju, Jutjub spotove i kontakt telefon.

Zagrebački bend Hladno pivo održaće 2. decembra u Hali sportova veliki beogradski koncert u okviru regionalne turneje na kojoj promoviše novi CD album "Svijet glamura".

Bend na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije poznat po hitovima "Pitala si me", "Nije sve tako sivo", "Samo za taj osjecaj", "Pjevajte nešto ljubavno"... prvi je svoj veliki (i trijumfalni) koncert u Srbiji održao upravo u ispunjenoj Hali sportova pred preko 4.000 glasnih i raspevanih fanova u jesen 2008. godine.

"Hala sportova nam je ostala u pamćenju kao užasno uzbudljiv koncert. Hoćemo sada ponoviti nevjerojatno iskustvo koje smo imali prošli puta, kada je dvorana toliko vibrirala da je naš ton majstor morao držat' miks pult da mu ne pobjegne. Bila je to nevjerojatna količina emocija i
vrištanja", kaže frontmen Mile Kekin.

Ulaznice za koncert Hladnog piva u Hali sportova u Beogradu od danas su u prodaji i to po specijalnoj ceni - početnih 1.000 ulaznica koštaće samo 1.000 dinara. Ko ne bude dovoljno brz platiće kasnije 1.200 dinara! Ulaznice se mogu naći na blagajni Doma omladine Beograda, i
preko mreža Eventim i Card Service.


Културни Центар Зрењанин и аутор пројекта мр Милутин Мићић расписују ликовни конкурс 30 са 30.

Услови конкурса:
Аутори могу да конкуришу највише са два рада. Радови могу да буду дводимензионални и тродимензионални у свим техникама и дисциплинама. Једино ограничење је да треба да буду формата 30 са 30 сантиметара (за дводимензионалне радове). Код тродимензионалних радова једна димензија треба да буде 30 сантиметара а остале две не смеју да буду веће од 30 сантиметара. Радови који пређу ове димензије неће се разматрати.

Поред слободних решења , ове године нудимо ауторима и могућност да промишљају на задату тему-задатак:…ЈЕ АМЕРИКА ЈЕ ВЕЛИКА ЈЕ АМЕРИКА ЈЕ МАЛА ЈЕ АМЕРИКА ЈЕ…
Сматрамо да је мишљење уметника о дешавањима у свету запостављено а да је вредно и драгоцено. Ово је прилика да аутори који то желе кроз своје радове дају своја размишања и изађу пред јавност. Сваке године тема-задатак ће се мењати.

Конкурс је отворен за све професионалне ликовне уметнике на територији Републике Србије и за све уметнике широм света. И ове године пројекат 30х30 је међународни.
Радови ће бити жирирани.

Доделиће се три награде.

Прва награда: самостална изложба у Савременој галерији Зрењанин
Друга награда: Учешће у раду ликовне колоније Цртеж.
Трећа награда: пригодан поклон.]

Конкурс је отворен до 25. новембра 2011. год.
Изложба ће бити отворена од 12. децембра 2011. год.

Радове слати на адресу:
Културни центар
23000 Зрењанин
Телефон: 023/535482, 064/8116994
Препоручујемо да радове шаљете Пост експресом.
Радови ће бити враћени Пост експресом о трошку аутора.

Срдачан поздрав,
Директор Културног центра Анкица Достанић
Аутор пројекта мр Милутин Мићић

Konkurs za nagradu „Zlatni omnibus“

Smart Studio raspisuje konkurs za književnu nagradu „ZLATNI OMNIBUS“, u cilju promovisanja domaće književnosti.
Konkurs nema tematskih ograničenja, a pravo učešća na konkursu imaju svi autori koji pošalju neobjavljen rukopis od 10. septembra 2011. do 21. novembra 2011. godine na email ipsmartstudio@gmail.com. Pored rukopisa, dostaviti biografiju i bibliografiju autora, sa kontakt telefonom i email adresom.

Rezultati konkursa biće objavljeni tokom decembra meseca na sajtu www.ip-smartstudio.com, kada će biti saopšteni i termini dodele nagrada. Dodeljuju se nagrade za najbolju knjigu poezije i najbolje prozno delo. Svi radovi koji svojim kvalitetom zaslužuju da se nađu u izdavačkoj ponudi biće predloženi izdavaču za objavljivanje. Za sve dodatne informacije kontaktirajte nas na gore navedenu email adresu.

Kolarčeva 5
11000 Beograd