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четвртак, 16. фебруар 2012.

Studentska konferencija u Mariboru 2012

The history of the Student Conference in Maribor reaches back in 1996, under a different name at that time. A few years later it got the new name and image as it has today.
Approximate number of participants has been increasing, and a few years back reached 100. At that time, most participants came from the countries of former Yugoslavia, but in the last three years the number of participants moved to around 60, which is almost half as much as a few years ago.
Every year, there are approximately 15 different countries represented from all over the world, which gives SCiM an international and intercultural touch. For example, in 2008, when SCiM celebrated its 10th anniversary, theoretical and practical workshops were based on intercultural dialogue.
In 2009 we looked for creativity and innovations for there were only creative workshops. On the other hand, we found out that participants still wanted debates and lectures on topical issues. For this reason we decided to reintroduce theoretical parts: there were 6 of them, connected to the subject matter of poverty and social exclusion. These themes were also related to current student issues, such as scholarships, youth employment, student work, poverty among youth, youth and politics.
This year’s conference will take place between the 22nd of June and the 2nd of July. During these ten days of SCiM 2012, you will have the opportunity to be active in different workshops. This year’s topic is connected with the European year of active ageing and solidarity between generations.
More info about the workshops here.


Students from all around the world are welcome to apply. Applicants must not be older than 26.


Here you can access the application form.
Deadline: 25th of March 2012
travel costs are not covered

Konkurs školovanje u inostranstvu -ERASMUS–WESTERN BALKANS

Konkurs za stipendije u okviru ERAWEB projekta je otvoren od 3. februara i zainteresovani mogu da se prijave za ovaj projekat do 2. aprila 2012. godine u ponoc. ERAWEB (Erasmus Mundus Western Balkans) je projekat akademske razmene koji je usmeren ka obrazovanju i razmeni u okviru medicinskih nauka. 
Konkurs pocinje od 3. februara 2012. i traje do 2. aprila 2012.  godine. Stipendija osim skolarine obezbedjuje i mesecni dzeparac, troskove putovanja, osiguranje i troskove ucesca/prijave.

U okviru ove razmene partnerski univerziteti okupljaju studente iz Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Makedonije (FYROM), Kosova (u sklopu rezolucije 1244) i Srbije, a studenti sa  Zapadnog Balkana ce imati mogucnost da studiraju na sledecim univerzitetima: 

Erasmus University Medical Centar Rotterdam (Erasmus MC) (koordinator projekta) – Roterdam, Holandija
University of Torino – Torino, Italija
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Rim i Kampobaso, Italija
UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology - Austrija
Ludwig – Maximilians – University Munich – Minhen, Nemacka

Na konkurs mogu da konkurisu svi studenti, postdiplomci i nastavno osoblje koji su drzavljani Republike Srbije (a da spadaju u jednu od tri ciljne grupe definisane od strane ERAWEB programa).

Vise informacija o ciljnim grupama, potrebnoj dokumentaciji, nacinu prijave i samom programu mozete pronaci na sajtu ERAWEB-a (www.erasmus-westernbalkans.eu) ili postaviti direktno pitanje na i-mejl adresu: eraweb@erasmusmc.nl

Potrebno 7 stručnih saradnika

Udruženje Pravo Gore planira da u prvom kvartalu 2012 godine pokrene inicijativu za projekat namenjen deci i mladima ometenim u razvoju. Ovim projektom, koji će trajati 2 godine, biće obuhvaćeno oko 50 korisnika i članovi njihovih porodica, što ukupno čini oko 200 korisnika. Projektne aktivnosti u najširem obimu se sastoje od psihocijalne podrške , edukacije, kreativnih radionica i druženja dece i mladih sa krajnim ciljem osnaživanje porodice i njihova socijalizcija i integracija u lokalnu zajednicu a i šire.
Krajni cilj projekta je osnivanje socijalnog preduzeća čija bi delatnost bila socijalna problematika dece I mladih ometenih u razvoju. U pripremi i realizaciji projekta predviđeno je učešće 7 stručnih saradnika:
-Socijalni radnik
Pozivamo sve zainteresovane navedene stručne profile da se jave koordinatoru projekta dipl. Def. Nataši Šević za sve neophodne iinformacije o projektu, uslovima angažovanja I svim ostalim bitnim segmentima inicijative.
Udruženje „Pravo Gore“
1107Novi Beograd,
Pere Segedinca 11/10
tel. 0011 157 363, mob. 060/586 36 36www.pravogore.rs