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уторак, 25. октобар 2011.


BFPE započinje sa procesom prikupljanja aplikacija za novi, deveti, ciklus Godišenjeg seminara - našeg najznačajnijeg i najambicioznijeg programa. U pitanju je jednogodišnji ciklus seminara namenjen istaknutoj generaciji mlađih političara i njihovim kolegama iz nevladinih organizacija, medija, biznisa.
Program realizujemo uz programsku podršku Saveta Evrope, kao jedna od 16 članica Mreže škola za političke studije Saveta Evrope koje deluju u regionu Zapadnog Balkana i Zajednice Nezavisnih Država. Sa zadovoljstvom možemo da konstatujemo da je velika većina polaznika i polaznica seminara napredovala u svojoj potonjoj političkoj i profesionalnoj karijeri. Alumnisti ovog programa su nekoliko desetina narodnih poslanika, današnji ministri, pomoćnici ministara i državni sekretari u Vladi Srbije, gradonačelnici, partijski funkcioneri, urednici medija, lideri građanskog društva.

Programom su predviđena tri nacionalna seminara, a polaznici će imati priliku da tokom oktobra 2012. godine učestvuju na Svetkskom forumu za demokratiju koji će se po prvi održati u Strazburu, a koji će u sebe inkorporirati Letnji univerzitet demokratije koji je Savet Evrop do ovog leta organizovao za učesnike iz svih 16 škola.
Seminari će biti posvećeni raznim aspektima ekonomskih i društvenih reformi u procesu evropskih integracija, iskustvima novijih zemalja članica, pitanjima bezbednosti i regionalne saradnje, ali i napretku Srbije u procesu integracije u EU.

Kandidati treba da ispune sledeće uslove:
  • da su do 40 godina starosti
  • da budu uspešni u javnom životu i napreduju u profesionalnoj karijeri
  • da su ambiciozni i spremni da stičući znanje grade svoju karijeru
  • da pokazuju interesovanje za evropske i evroatlanske integracije, kao i regionalnu saradnju
  • da imaju motivaciju za kontinuiranim učenjem
  • da su spremni da stečena znanja primene u praksi
U cilju formiranja izbalansirane grupe učesnika po svim kriterijumima, posebno ohrabrujemo žene i pripadnike/ce manjinskih naroda da se prijave. Prednost prilikom selekcije će imati kandidati koji govore engleski.
BFPE će nakon prikupljenih prijava kandidata, u procesu selekcije, izabrati polaznike ovog ciklusa seminara. Potrebno je da kandidat dostavi popunjenu prijavu, svoju biografiju i motivaciono pismo o razlozima učestvovanja u ovom programu (do 2000 karaktera) Beogradskom fondu za političku izuzetnost najkasnije do četvrtka, 3. novembra 2011. Prijave slati isključivo mejlom na office@bfpe.org Ova adresa el. pošte zaštićena je od spam napada, treba omogućiti JavaSkript da biste je videli sa naznakom Prijava za Godišnji seminar.

Osnovne informacije o seminaru:
  • Seminari će biti održani u drugoj polovini 2011. i tokom 2012. godine u sledećim predloženim terminima: decembar, februar, maj, oktobar.
  • Na seminarima će biti prisutno 40 učesnika.
  • Predavači na seminaru će biti istaknuti stručnjaci i javne ličnosti iz naše zemlje i inostranstva.
  • Organizator snosi troškove seminara i smeštaja, a učesnici će snositi putne troškove u zemlji.
  • Svi zainteresovani kandidati, ako budu pozvani, preuzimaju obavezu da učestvuju u radu sva četiri seminara.
Savet Evrope će polaznicima/cama koji budu učestvovali u radu sve četiri etape ovog obrazovnog programa dodeliti poseban sertifikat/diplomu.

Prijavni formular možete preuzeti ovde.

Mladić iz Pazove ucrtava predele Srbije na Gugl mapi

Dok Nemanja Bračko, diplomirani inženjer elektrotehnike i računarstva, stvar nije uzeo u svoje ruke, stranci su na velikoj svetskoj Guglovoj mapi u Srbiji mogli da vide samo tri puta: E70, E75 i Ibarsku magistralu. Zahvaljujući ovom magu računarstva, Srbija je danas svetu ponuđena kao na dlanu, a većina mesta ucrtana je do nivoa ulica.

 KLIK - Nemanja Bračko (24) živi u Staroj Pazovi gde je završio Srednju tehničku školu, a na Računarskom fakultetu u Beogradu trenutno pohađa master studije. Njegova najveća strast je crtanje mapa, ali ga to nije sprečilo da usput sa engleskog na srpski prevodi aplikacije za računare, mobilne telefone, pa čak i poslednju verziju čuvene Kasperski antivirus aplikacije. Sve ovo njegovi najbliži u početku su shvatali kao igru, a od crtanja ga odvraćali uz obrazloženje da je to čisto gubljenje vremena. Stvar je postala ozbiljna tek kad ga je čuvena svetska kompanija „Gugl” angažovala kao regionalnog moderatora za Republiku Srbiju, a predstavnica tima „Gugl Map Maker” Džesika Fand ga pozvala na samit u Barselonu.

- U početku nisam mogao da poverujem, pa sam najpre rešio da proverim autentičnost poziva. Ispostavilo se da me je stvarno zvala Džesika Fand i da se moj trud ipak isplatio. Znajući da ću time pomoći prvenstveno Srbiji, „Guglu” i mnogim korisnicima, usrećilo me je i saznanje da ću učestvujući na samitu unaprediti svoje znanje i dobiti još veću motivaciju da crtam - priča Nemanja.

Pored ucrtavanja granica mesta, lokalnih samouprava, opština, puteva, pruga, reka, Nemanja je na „Gugl” mapi za Srbiju ucrtao i mnoge „tačke od interesa”: parkove, poslovne centre, banke, policijske stanice, domove zdravlja i škole.

- Ucrtao sam i NAVAK-ovu stazu u Subotištu, a zabeležio i skoro sve propratne objekte. Ono što izdvaja Staru Pazovu od drugih mesta i država u kojima je dozvoljeno crtanje jeste to što je uneta jedna četvrtina svih kućnih brojeva. Prikupljanje kućnih brojeva sa terena i ucrtavanje u kartu radim sam i za to mi je bilo potrebno šest meseci - ističe Nemanja.

Mapa je, kaže, od ogromnog značaja za Srbiju jer je „Gugl” aplikacija dostupna za sve računare i skoro sve mobilne telefone, a već za koju godinu „Gugl maps” naći će se i u svim navigacionim uređajima.

Uključite se u kreiranje „Gugl” mape za Srbiju
SVI - Svoj dopirnos u kreiranju „Gugl” mape mogu dati svi zainteresovani posetom na stranicu http://mapmaker.google.com. Mapa se može pogledati na sajtu maps.google.com, a njena dorada, ističe Nemanja, moguća je u svakom trenutku.

Preuzeto sa sajta 24sata.

The Google Anita Borg Scholarship for Female Bachelor, Master and PhD students

Deadline: 1 February 2012
Open to: Female students enrolled in a Bachelors, Masters or PhD programme of computer science (or equivalent) in 2012/2013 at a University in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa
Scholarship: Multiple  scholarships of €7,000 (or equivalent)


Anita Borg believed that technology affects all aspects of our economic, political, social and personal lives. A technology rebel with a cause, in her life she fought tirelessly to ensure that technology’s impact would be a positive one. It was this vision that inspired Anita in 1997 to found the Institute for Women and Technology. Today this organization continues on her legacy and bears her name, The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology.
Dr. Anita Borg devoted her adult life to revolutionising the way we think about technology and dismantling barriers that keep women and minorities from entering computing and technology fields. Her combination of technical expertise and fearless vision continues to inspire and motivate countless women to become active participants and leaders in creating technology.
As part of Google’s ongoing commitment to furthering Anita’s vision, Google is pleased to announce The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Through the scholarship, we aim to encourage women to excel in computing and technology, and become active role models and leaders.


Multiple scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates’ academic performance, leadership experience and demonstrated passion for computer science. A group of female Bachelors, Masters, and PhD student finalists will be chosen from the applicant pool. The scholarship recipients will each receive a €7,000 (or equivalent) scholarship.
In June 2012, all scholarship recipients and finalists will be invited to visit a Google office in Europe for a networking retreat. It will include workshops with a series of speakers, panels, breakout sessions and social activities, and will provide an opportunity for all finalists to meet and share their experiences.


Candidates must:
  • Be a female student enrolled in a Bachelors, Masters or PhD programme (or equivalent) in 2012/2013.
  • Be enrolled at a University in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa. Citizens, permanent residents, and international students are eligible to apply.
  • Be studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics, or a closely related technical field.
  • Maintain an excellent academic record (e.g. a First Class Honours degree).

How to apply?

Please complete the online application (click here and register yourself on the website and continue with the application process) and submit all requested documents by 1st February 2012. All application documents must be in English. Scholars and Finalists will be notified in April 2012.
You will be required to submit the following:
  • Up-to-date copy of your CV
  • Answers to the following questions (Suggested word count is 400-600 words per question. You should treat question 1 and 3 as technical reports or research papers):
    1. Describe a significant technical project you have worked on. If you have worked on a major independent research project (such as research for a Master’s or PhD programme), please describe that work here. Give an overview of the problem and your approaches to the key technical challenges. If this was a group effort, be sure to specify your individual role and contributions.
    2. Give one or two examples of your leadership abilities. Explain how you were influential and what you were trying to achieve. These need not be demonstrated through formal or traditional leadership roles. Feel free to think broadly and examine the many ways you impact members of your technical community.
    3. Suppose someone gave you the funding and resources for a 3- to 12-month project to investigate a technical topic of your choice. Write a short version of a proposal, including a description of the project, your planned methodology, and your expected results. Please pick something other than the project you described for the first question.
  • Transcripts
    • Bachelors: A copy of your current academic record.
    • Masters and PhD: A copy of your previous and current academic records.
  • Enrollment confirmation for 2012/2013 or confirmation of graduation date
    • Please include with your application an official enrollment confirmation or a confirmation of your graduation date issued by an official authority of the university e.g. your departmental administrator or a professor.
  • Recommendation letters
    • Two strong referral letters from individuals who are qualified to evaluate your academic and leadership accomplishments, e.g. from a professor, adviser or supervisor.


In case of any further questions, please e-mail anitaborgscholars-emea@google.com.

The Official Website

University of Cambridge, Scholarships in Social Sciences and the Humanities

Deadline: 25 November 2011
Open to: Students from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia,  Moldova, Palestine, Serbia, Turkmenistan and Ukraine
Scholarship: The scholarships will cover the University Composition Fee at the overseas rate, approved college fees, a maintenance allowance sufficient for a single student, and one return economy airfare to the UK.


The Open Society Foundations/University of Cambridge Scholarships enable students of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Palestine, Serbia, Turkmenistan and Ukraine to obtain a MPhil or LLM degree in a range of subjects within the social sciences and the humanities.
The OSF Cambridge Scholarships is intended to provide opportunities for postgraduate study in selected fields in the United Kingdom for scholars and young professionals who demonstrate both academic excellence and the potential to become leaders, decision makers and opinion formers in their home countries. Applicants should have excellent academic qualifications,a clear and  precise proposal describing what they wish to study, and a fluent command of the English language.
MPhil in Conservation Leadership
MPhil in Education
MPhil in Environmental Science
MPhil in Environment, Society and Development
MPhil in Environmental Policy
MPhil in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies
MPhil in Public Health
LLM (Public Law)
Selection Process: Academic staff at the university will consider the applications for university admission and will compile a shortlist of applicants to be interviewed for the scholarship. Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview and an English language test in their home country in May 2012. Interviews will be carried out by representatives of OSF–London, and in certain cases, there may also be a panel member representing the interests of the University. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the scholarship competition in June 2012. Please note that successful applicants will be invited to attend a one-month Academic Writing School organized by Open Society Scholarship Programs in Istanbul in August 2012.


  • Applicants must be citizens of and resident in one of the following countries during the academic year in which they apply for the award: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia,  Moldova, Palestine, Serbia, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.
  • Applicants who are temporarily out of the country (for a total period of less than three consecutive months) may be treated as being resident.
  • Demonstrate exceptional academic potential, familiarity with the chosen field of study and clear commitment to open society goals. This requirement will be treated as of considerable importance in the selection process, and applicants should be sure to complete Section B (6) of the Graduate Admission and Scholarship Application Form (GRADSAF) fully and appropriately;
  • Applicants should be planning to return to their home country at the end of the period of study.
  • Already hold (or expect to hold by the time of taking up the award) a first degree of an equivalent standard to a good UK second-class Honours degree.
  • Applicants will be required to have passed an English proficiency test (TOEFL or IELTS) before being offered a Scholarship. The minimum requirement for some of the courses available is in TOEFL 600 (250 in the computer-based test) or IELTS 7.0; however most courses require the higher minimum requirement of IELTS 7.5, and some IELTS 8.0. Please refer to the University of Cambridge Graduate Studies Prospectus for further details.
  • A preference will go towards applicants who have not studied previously outside of their home countries.
  • Employees, employees’ relatives (or former employees who have left employment less than two years previously) of the Educational Advising  Centers or local Open Society Foundations representations directly involved in the Open Society Foundations Scholarship Programs administration in the region or of the participating universities will not be eligible to apply.


The scholarships will cover the University Composition Fee at the overseas rate, approved college fees, a maintenance allowance sufficient for a single student, and one return economy airfare to the UK. No financial support is provided for dependants or family members.


  • Scholars should obtain information about the relevant degree and its requirements (including English language requirements) by consulting the University’s Graduate Studies website.
  • Application forms.
  • Applicants should  check the requirements for individual courses since additional supporting materials such as written work may be needed.
  • Local representatives of Open Society Foundations will assist you by arranging for your application to be sent to Cambridge,and will also arrange for payment of  the  application fee. Please submit your GRADSAF (including all required supporting materials) to the  address below by 25 November 2011. Please also enclose with your scholarship application form the Self-Assessment Form where by you acknowledge your compliance with the eligibility criteria for this scholarship programme.
For more information:
Inga Pracute, Open Society Foundation-London, email: inga.pracute@osf-eu.org or OSF Local Representative Offices:

Belgrade Open School
Masarikova 5/XVI
Tel. (381 11) 3061 371
Fax (381 11) 3613 112
Contact person:
Jelena Babic: ena@bos.rs

The Official Website