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четвртак, 20. децембар 2012.

Praksa - Delta Holding - Beograd

Već 22 godine Delta Holding predstavlja lidera na tržištu, koji postavlja standarde i pomera granice uspešnog poslovanja. Razvijamo uspešne kompanije i istovremeno unapređujemo društvo u kome živimo i radimo. Delta Holding uspešno posluje u Srbiji i svoje poslovne planove usmerava na internacionalno tržište. Članice Delta Holdinga bave se različitim delatnostima kao što su: agrarna proizvodnja, proizvodnja hrane, razvoj nekretnina, osiguranje, izvoz, uvoz, zastupanje inostranih kompanija, distribucija robe široke potrošnje, prodaja automobila itd.

Delta Holding, jedna od najvećih kompanija u Srbiji, organizuje tromesečnu praksu za Vas.
Ukoliko ste apsolvent ili postdiplomac, nudimo Vam da svoje prve korake u svetu biznisa napravite u najmodernijem poslovnom okruženju Delta Holdinga.
Mi Vam dajemo mogućnost da svoje znanje stečeno kroz teoriju, uz pratnju visoko kvalifikovanih mentora, primenite i u praksi, tako što ćete biti direktno upućeni u principe rada iz oblasti računovodstva.
Informacije o praksi:
  • Radni dan traje osam sati
  • Radi se pet dana u nedelji
  • Svi kandidati će proći kroz proces selekcije
  • Adresa je Milentija Popovića7b
  • Poznavanje rada na računaru (MS Office)
  • Prednost imaju studenti sa smera finansije, računovodstvo, bankarstvo i revizija

Sta je potrebno poslati u prijavi:


Adresa na koju se salje prijava:

hr@deltaholding.rs (subject: praksa)

Wall Street Journal - Praksa za novinare

Deadline: 15 January 2013
Open to: beginning journalists, students in their final year or graduate students with reporting and writing backgrounds at their school newspapers or elsewhere. It is essential that they be familiar with the ideas for which the Wall Street Journal editorial page stands.
Internship: three month paid internships


Throughout his 30 years as The Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Page Editor, Bob Bartley inspired principled and original thinking that changed and shaped the society in which we all live. He also devoted attention to teaching and motivating talented young people, many of whom have gone on to careers in journalism at the Journal and elsewhere. The Bartley fellowships are consistent with that legacy.
Bob Bartley achieved many honors during his long tenure here including a Pulitzer Prize and, shortly before his death in December 2003, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In awarding that medal, President Bush cited Bob as “one of the most influential journalists in American history.” The Robert L. Bartley fellowships will help to perpetuate not just Bob’s memory but above all the principles and priorities to which he devoted his distinguished career.
The Robert L. Bartley Fellowships, consisting of paid internships, will be provided to young thinkers and writers whose views are broadly consistent with Bob Bartley’s philosophy and who aspire to careers in journalism. As many as five fellows will be selected each year through an application process that will be judged by senior members of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board. Fellows will work as writers and editors on the Journal’s opinion pages — editorial, op-ed, Leisure & Arts—in the U.S., Europe or Asia.
Bartley Fellows will assist in researching and writing editorials, editing op-ed articles, editing Leisure & Arts page features, and editing letters to the editor for the Journal and their website HERE.
Start and finish dates are flexible, though they anticipate that most Fellows will work during the summer months. The fellowship begins in June and runs through the end of August.


Applicants should be beginning journalists, upperclassmen or graduate students with reporting and writing backgrounds at their school newspapers or elsewhere.
It is essential that they be familiar with, and interested in, the ideas for which the Journal editorial page stands.


There is no application form. However, all materials must be received by January 15, 2013. If you’d like to be considered, please send a cover letter, resume and your best clips via email to: bartleyfellows@wsj.com
or mail them to:
Carol Muller
The Wall Street Journal
Editorial Page
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10036
A decision will be made in February or March 2013. Only applicants who are selected for final consideration will be interviewed.
For background on the editorial page and our philosophy, please visit the Wall Street Journal Opinion website HERE or the call for applications HERE.
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