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четвртак, 29. март 2012.


DONATOR:                     Ministarstvo za inostrane poslove Ruske federacije
ROK ZA PRIJAVU:           10.04.2012.
OBLAST:                        Društvene nauke, Ekonomija, finansije, Jezici,       književnost, Medicina, stomatologija,…
DRŽAVA:                       Ruska Federacija
NIVO OBRAZOVANJA:     Fakultet - Bachelor


Ministarstvo obrazovanja i nauke Ruske Federacije je za akademsku 2012/2013. godinu ponudilo dodatne stipendije, odnosno ukupno 67 državnih stipendija (ukuljučujući i 3 stipendije za oblast medicine), za školovanje na visokoškolskim ustanovama u Ruskoj Federaciji. 

Od ukupnog broja stipendija, za školovanje prema programima osnovnih studija (bakalavr), specijalističkih i magistarskih studija ponuđeno je 30 stipendija; za školovanje na prema programima poslediplomskih studija (stažiranje-praksa na klinikama) i doktorske studije ponuđeno je 5 stipendija i za pohađanje kratkotrajne obuke (stažiranje, usavršavanje) ponuđene su 32 stipendije.

Informacije o uslovima prijema, neophodnoj dokumentaciji, obrasci, spiskovi specijalizacija (stručnih smerova) dostupni su na internet stranici http://www.russia.edu.ru/enter/2012/

Radi ubrzavanja procedure u vezi sa dobijanjem stipendije, neophodno je da svi kandidati popune prvi upitnik na internet stranici http://www.russia.edu.ru/forma/2012

Kandidati koji nisu dostavili dokumentaciju Ministarstvu prosvete i nauke na osnovu Konkursa za dodelu stipendija stranih vlada i fondacija za akademsku 2012/2013. godinu, mogu da dostave svoju dokumentaciju najkasnije do 10. aprila 2012. godine. 

Spisak dokumentacije koja se dostavlja može se naći preko linka Informacija o stipendijama stranih valada i fondacija (uslovi i kriterijumi za dobijanje stipendije), koji se nalazi u Konkursu.


Dobitnicima stipendije se pored školarine obezbeđuje mesečna stipendija i smeštaj u studentskim domovima pod istim uslovima koji važe za ruske državljane.

Stipendista sam snosi troškove svog dolaska do mesta školovanja i dobijanja polise medicinskog osiguranja na teritorije Rusije. Troškovi dočeka i dolaska do mesta školovanja iznose oko 250 $. Polisa medicinskog osiguranja na godišnjem nivou košta takođe oko 250 $.

Re-Imagining Gender Training Course, Serbia

Deadline: 30 March 2012
Open to:  Young people, youth workers, activists, interested individuals
Costs: 50 Euros fee (30 Euros for participants from Serbia)
Venue: Zlatibor mountain (Serbia) from 22nd to 29th of April 2012


Re-Imagining Gender is a seminar with elements of training in video-making skills. We want to explore world of gender imagery that surrounds us through learning and sharing experience, making videos, discussing, debating, photography….
Why is Vega organizing a gender related seminar/training?
Vega recognized the need to explore the problems, dilemmas, contradictions and wide variety of issues in relation to gender imagery and gender representation that we all have to operate within our day-to-day lives.
All our communication, images in our heads we create about individuals in relation to gender, our presumptions and opinions are built upon fortified, society-desirable, traditional to certain extent, representations of female and male – bodies, roles, looks, images , norms….Those representations nowadays, in societies overburdened with imagery coming from so many sides – TV, internet, pop-culture, movies, sitcoms, books, comics, advertisements are making sure that the “mainstream” gender stereotypes and representations of gender remain intact and still transmit the desirable models of gender.
We can perceive those images as political issue, we can perceive them as strong socialization tool, as something that forms culture and again hugely influences our lives but regardless of how we approach them – they shape us all and perpetuate binary gender system in which we all have to fit regardless of the endless number of possibilities reality offers.
With choosing this topic Vega wishes to invite you to share and connect, explore possibilities, learn and re-imagine boundaries of gender fixed and limited by the societies we live in!
The six-day program will include:
  • A theoretical and practical exploration of the concept of gender and gender representation in taken from a personal, political and social perspective;
  • Workshops to discuss different issues as a way of sharing personal and organizational experiences whilst raising awareness;
  • Videoing and video editing
  • The creation of a safe environment for all participants to learn more about the relationship between the societal portrayal of gender and their identity-formation;
  • A social program including intercultural evening, a free day, a welcome and closing party.


Registration fee for the conference is 50 Euros/30 Euros for participants from Serbia. No exceptions will be made.
Travel reimbursement
Due to limited finances to hold this conference, Vega YC has very limited possibilities to reimburse all travel costs. Therefore, they will prioritize reimbursement for participants from economically and socially disadvantaged environments.
Vega YC encourages every participant to look into local funding and scholarship possibilities, they can also support you through a letter for possible funds or alike. Participants are required to arrange their journeys in the most economical way and also they will have person assigned on behalf of the Preparatory team to assist you optimize your arrangements finance-wise.
The maximum amount for travel reimbursement varies from country to country and it depends on geographical distance as well as on availability of cheap air-fare companies, etc. – it cannot exceed 70% of the total travel costs.


The course is aimed for youth and youth workers (students, activists, individuals) active or those who want to be encouraged to become active in their own communities and/or internationally who:
  • Are older then 18 years of age;
  • Are interested in sharing experiences and are committed to learn about the topic of the conference;
  • Are able to work in English;
  • Have some experience (even if little) related to the topic of the conference (we are looking for beginners as well as experts);
  • Can act as multipliers within their own organization or community;
  • Are committed to set up follow-up activities after the conference;
  • Are able to attend for the full duration of the activity.
They would especially like to encourage young women from minority groups to apply.


You can apply for this training online via Salto-Youth.
Jelena Celebic E-Mail: vega.gender@gmail.com

“Modernization Program Slovensko 21″ Scholarships for the Academic Year 2012/2013

Deadline: 28 May 2012
Open to: Graduates from secondary schools in Belarus, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Moldavia, Serbia, Macedonia, Ukraine and Montenegro interested in technical studies
Scholarship:  In the amount of 280,- EUR/month + single contribution in the amount of 35,- EUR for the student to pay for accommodation, board and other expenses related to his/her study in the Slovak Republic


Within the Modernization Program Slovensko 21 (Slovakia 21) as approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 367/2008 dated June 4th, 2008, the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic offers the possibility of study in the Slovak Republic to  graduates from secondary schools in Belarus, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Moldavia, Serbia, Macedonia, Ukraine and Montenegro namely within:
  • free of charge 10-month language and academic preparation at the Institute of Language and Academic Preparation for Foreign Students of the Center of Further Education of the Comenius University in Bratislava (UJOP) with scholarship granted by the Government of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 280,- EUR/month + single contribution in the amount of 35,- EUR for the student to pay for accommodation, board and other expenses related to his/her study in the Slovak Republic.
The above mentioned study is focused on language and academic preparation of the students for entrance examination to the universities in the Slovak Republic for the purpose of their further university study in Slovak language within study programs with technical orientation (you can find more information on study programs on the web page www.studyin.sk).
The study at the universities in the Slovak Republic is performed within 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree of the university studies (i.e. bachelor (3 years), engineer/ master (2 years) and PhD study (3 years).
Within the Modernization Program Slovensko 21 (Slovakia 21), it is expected that the students from mentioned countries complete at least the 2nd degree of university study in the Slovak Republic, i.e. engineer/master study.
You can read more about the General Conditions and Financial Conditions of the scholarship program.


This call is open for graduates from secondary schools in Belarus, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Moldavia, Serbia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Montenegro.
The study is focused on the Slovak language and academic preparation of the students for entrance examinations for the public Universities in the Slovak Republic for the purpose of their further full-time Master, Engineer or  PhD study in the Slovak Republic within study programs with technical orientation.


Required documents:
  • Application form
  • Document on Level of Education (verified translation into English or Slovak and the documents must be superlegalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or by the Ministry of Education of the home country and the Embassy of the Slovak Republic);
  • The Study Results from the College or Results from the Higher Education Institution, if available;
  • Birth Certificate (verified translation into English or Slovak);
  • Curriculum Vitae (signed);
  • Medical Certificate (enclosed form);
  • The Document of Integrity (not older than 90 days);
  • Medical certificate
All the documents must be submitted to the respective Embassies not later than 28 May 2012.
For more information contact the Slovak Embassy in your country.