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среда, 29. фебруар 2012.

“Fighting youth unemployment” - Leskovac


About the organization:
People’s Parliament is one of the oldest NGO’s non-governmental organizations in Leskovac and South Serbia, founded on August 15, 1999. Exactly 40 days earlier, founders of the People’s Parliament initiated and lead, in that time, the most massive anti-regime civic protests in Serbia. Almost immediately after these protests have ended, People’s Parliament was officially founded and later, during November 1999, registered as an association of citizens, in accordance with domestic law.
Today, this organization implements its project activities in whole Serbia. People’s Parliament implements activities of general social benefit in domains such as: development of democracy and civil society, advancement of socio-political status of young people, strengthening of local governments and public administration institutions, establishment of cross-border and regional cooperation.
About the training course:
The new training course “Fighting youth unemployment” developed by People’s Parliament organization is intended for youth workers/activists who didn’t before participate in international trainings organized within the framework of the Youth in Action Programme or in other similar projects and events dedicated to youth employment issues.
This 6-day training (excluding travel days) is going to be organized in City of Leskovac, Serbia.

Venue: from 12 – 18 March 2012, Leskovac, Serbia
People’s Parliament are organizing this training because they feel that unemployed young people aren’t very much motivated to actively participate in civic or social processes. So, People’s Parliament think that these young people need help and motivation from competent youth workers/activists.
Therefore, the participants of the training will be involved into intensive process of intercultural non-formal learning where they will gain detailed knowledge of the Youth in Action programme and practical tools for improvement of their personal, social and professional competence; how to stimulate mobility and active participation of unemployed young people, at the same time positively influencing their employability. The participants will come up with initiatives, future partnerships and will create projects that will include young people with fewer opportunities, and will promote social inclusion and fight against youth unemployment and participation of the unemployed young people in the society.


The training course will bring together 28 youth workers/activists from Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. The project targets young men and women (preferably aged 18-30) who didn’t before participate in international non-formal education events for young people and who are working on youth employment issues within their organizations, or want to start working on youth employment projects.
Working language of the training will be English and we expect all participants to have a good knowledge of English.


This project is funded by the Youth in Action Programme. According to its rules, all costs of board and logging will be covered by the organizers. In addition, People’s Parliament is going to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt of all original bus/train/plane tickets and invoices. Participants are strongly encouraged to buy return tickets whenever possible.

How to apply?

If you are interested in taking part in “Fighting youth unemployment” training course, please fill in the application form on the Official Website and return it completed not later than February 29th, 2012 to yia@ngoserbia.com.
Late applications will be refused. Selection notification is expected by March 5th 2012, at the latest.
Contact for questions:
Phone: +381 16 236890

Peace Revolution Fellowship in Thailand


Peace Revolution fellowship is a component of Peace Revolution’s ‘face-to-face’ training. It is a process of transforming a Peace Rebel to become an agent of peace a.k.a Peace Agent in their training grounds. Peace Revolution fellowship gives Peace Rebels the exceptional and lifetime opportunity of:
  • learning advanced inner peace techniques through meditation from experienced Buddhist monks,
  • learning about positive transformation and how to live a virtuous life based on ancient universal knowledge,
  • implementing the “Peace In Peace Out” concept in a culturally diverse community,
  • becoming proficient in conflict resolution and practical application of inner peace in daily life,
  • sharing dialogue and interact with peace rebels from across the globe,
  • establishing an international network of active agents for change.
Those who feel they can make a valuable contribution to world peace by developing themselves on a deeper level, in order to actively share what they have learned with others should apply for this fellowship. It is expected from those who pass the training camp to remain active in the Peace Revolution program. Note that every Peace Rebel is welcome to join this fellowship program. However, only youth and young adults between 18-30 are eligible for the airfare support.
The fellowship in Thailand consists of 14 days of Inner Peace Retreat, which focuses on meditation, peace and Buddhist studies. Presently, the fellowship will take place at Mooktawan Sanctuary in an island at the southern part of Thailand. Participants will enjoy meditating in a serene and peaceful near-forest environment. Well, many people say it′s a celestial hideaway on Earth.


The Thailand fellowship includes:
  • full or partial sponsoring of airfare*,
  • free accommodation,
  • free catering,
  • free local transportation,
  • free meditation retreat fee.
* Everyone is welcome to join the fellowship. But to be eligible for the partial sponsoring of airfare, candidates must be between 18-30 years old.


  • Candidates should be 18-30 years old at the time of submitting the application in order to receive the airfare support.
  • Candidates must have completed 42 days of the online self-development program.
  • Candidates must have completed at least 1 ONLINE Special Ops.
  • Candidates have good proficiency in written and spoken English language.
  • Candidates should be optimistic, be open-minded, show leadership potential, and have a genuine interest in peace.
After completing the self-development program with Special Ops, the Peace Revolution selection committee will make an interview appointment based on your performance, available fund as well as group combination in each fellowship. There is no need to write a request for an interview. If you are qualified, they will contact you.


  • Youth Fellowship in June 2012 from 18 Jun – 1 July 2012: Deadline for applications is 31 March 2012. Click here to apply.
  • Youth Fellowship in December 2012 from 6 – 19 December 2012: Deadline for applications is 30 September 2012. Click here to apply.
Should you need more information about the fellowship programs in Thailand, please contact info@peacerevolution2010.org.

уторак, 28. фебруар 2012.

Posaljite fotografiju svoje ekipice od petoro ljudi i osvojite putovanje

Posaljite fotografiju svoje ekipice od petoro ljudi i osvojite putovanje  za nezaboravnu ludnicu koju
Jungle Travel organizuje 1.maja na Balatonu!!!
-Pošaljite do 4. marta na mail: jungle.marketing@yahoo.com fotografiju gde se nalaziš ti sa 4 drugara/drugarica
-5. marta na našem FAN PAGE-u (Jungle Travel – neobicna putovanja) biće upload-ovane fotografije u albumu pod nazivom „Petoro za Balaton”
-Svako od članova ekipe treba da se taguje na fotografiji
-Svako od članova ekipe treba SVAKI DAN kao komentar fotografije da upiše: DANAS SAM BIO/LA PRISUTAN/NA NA @JUNGLE TRAVEL – NEOBICNA PUTOVANJA
-Prvih 5 fotografija koje budu ispunjavale sve uslove i budu imale najviše lajkova učestvovaće u mini live kvizu koji će biti održan 11. marta na Fun Page-u JUNGLE TRAVEL-NEOBICNA PUTOVANJA.
Ekipa koja pobedi osvaja putovanje na Balaton za 5 osoba!!!
-Glasanje tj. lajkovanje traje do 10. marta do 23:59.
-Kao utešne nagrade ostalim učesnicima bice podeljeni specijalni popusti za naša prolećna putovanja.

понедељак, 27. фебруар 2012.

Peace Revolution European Fellowship “Culture of Peace” August 2012, Belgium

Peace Revolution Fellowship provides an opportunity for European youth to experience a training camp in Belgium, where participants will have the opportunity to:
  • •learn inner peace techniques which build towards personal strength
  • •share dialogue and interact with youth and young leaders from across Europe who share   same interests in inner peace and peace-building
  • •learn and share active peace building tools for your daily life and work
  • •be proficient in conflict resolution
  • •facilitate positive transformation in personal and ethical development
  • •implement the “Peace In Peace Out” concept in a culturally diverse community
  • •establish an international network of active agents for change.
Sample this exclusive training program derived from the Ancient Oriental Wisdom.  Through the Inner Peace Time and the Self-Development Program via the online practice and offline commitment, you can achieve self-contentment and a sense of social responsibility for success in this volatile climate of political, social, and environmental changes all around.


The regular venue will be in an old monastery in Lede, Belgium where the old ancient secret will be delivered amidst a sacred and peaceful environment.
The European fellowship program are of two types: 3-day and 7-day programs. The 3-day program will take place from 10 – 12 August 2012, and the 7-day program from 15 – 21 August 2012.


The organizers have offered to cover partial airfare for participants in the 7-day program that pass the criteria.


  • Be 18-30 years old at the time of submitting the application;
  • Have good proficiency in written and spoken English language;
  • Be optimistic, open-minded, show leadership potential and have a genuine interest in peace


August Fellowship 3-day program “European Fellowship II” from 10 – 12 August 2012.  Deadline to apply: 30th June 2012. Click here to apply.
August Fellowship 7-day program “European Fellowship III” from 15 – 21 August 2012.  Deadline to apply: 15th June 2012. Click here to apply.
Contact Person:Ms. Mirella Kampus: Fellowship Manager
Peace Revolution Secretariat Office
World Peace Initiative Foundation

недеља, 26. фебруар 2012.

Letnja praksu u Narodnoj banci Srbije

Ukoliko ste mladi i ambiciozni, završili ste fakultet, višu školu ili srednju školu a nemate radnog iskustva, imate mogućnost da pripravnički staž obavite u Narodnoj banci Srbije.

Javni oglas je objavljen u sredu 15. februara 2012. godine u dnevnom listu „Politika“ i u publikaciji Nacionalne službe za zapošljavanje „Poslovi“. Prijavu s potrebnom dokumentacijom možete poslati elektronskom poštom na adresu: pripravnici@nbs.rs počev od 15. februara, a od 20. februara i lično predati na adresu: Kralja Petra 12, 11000 Beograd.
Prijavljivanje na oglas trajaće do 02. marta 2012. godine.
Detaljnije pročitajte na sajtu: www.nbs.rs
Izvor: KZM Ruma

Call for participants: "ToTrain is ToTransform the Future", Training of Trainers in Intercultural Learning

In recent decades Europe has become more and more diverse. Migration from South to North, fromEast to West, increase of Diaspora in many countries in Europe, are all making today’s Europeculturally the most diverse continent.
This cultural diversification also led to various social problems:intolerance, discrimination, exclusion, human rights violation, conflicts, etc.Fortunately, Intercultural dialogue and education is a major tool to create intercultural (not onlymulticultural) and cohesive societies without which it will be difficult to safeguard the freedom andwell-being of everyone living on our continent. And this is precisely where this training course iscoming from.

The main goal of the project is to increase capacities of youth workers to promote and
facilitate intercultural education as trainers and facilitators.
More specific objectives are:
  • To increase the level of knowledge of youth workers in ICL topics (culture, identity, prejudices, stereotypes, discrimination, communication, etc);
  • To develop competences of trainers in non-formal education focused on designing and facilitating Intercultural learning and to put them in practice with young people in Belgrade;
  •  To empower youth workers to act as multipliers of Intercultural learning;
  • To develop practical skills in intercultural education and “awareness making” in their own communities;
  • To encourage participation and involvement of young workers in social processes;
  • To develop sense of common responsibility for the future of their local communities from a global perspective;
  • To introduce Youth in Action as a great provider of intercultural educational opportunities for young people.
Training course
The “approach” of the training will be focused on developing specific practical skills for youthworkers and leaders in youth field to act as trainers, focusing on intercultural education and work inintercultural settings and it will make use of the richness of experiential learning and non-formaleducation in general.

The main topics that will be part of the training course: Intercultural learning (theory, methods,approached, challenges, etc); Working in intercultural settings; Learning in non-formal education;Role, ethics & competences of trainers; Design, facilitation & reflection on/of non-formal learning andgroup processes; Feedback, empathy & communication skills; Group and individual dynamics,Common challenges and best practices in training processes; Developing and delivering own trainingsessions & modules; Self-assessment, coaching & professional development plan.
Target group
The target audience are youth workers (aged 18 and above) that work in intercultural settings andneed to develop in-depth skills as trainers in intercultural education. Previous training experience isdesired, but not necessary.There will be 26 participants in total and youth workers from following countries are invited toapply: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Iceland, Italy, Macedonia,Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, UK, Turkey.

Dynamics of the training course
The training has three integrated learning phases:
1. Introductory phase (preparation for the course) through distance e-learning, starting from March
12th till the beginning of the residential
2. Residential training course, from April 21st to April 30th in Belgrade, Serbia
3. Follow-up phase through distance e-learning, starting from May 7th to June 3rd.

Implementing organisation
The Youth Dialogue Programme (YDP) has emerged from the initiative of young people from Serbiaand Kosovo at the beginning of 2005, with the aim of reviving the interrupted cooperation betweenyoung Serbs and Albanians after the conflicts in 1999. The main focus of the Youth DialogueProgramme is intercultural dialogue and understanding, together with the empowerment of youngpeople, especially the ones coming from marginalised and vulnerable groups. The organisation isdedicated to facilitating dialogue and intercultural learning of those who are separated by deep-rootedconflicts. From the experience of the organisation in this field came the realisation that there are onlyfew youth workers/trainers who are truly capable to facilitate delicate ICL learning processes that gobeyond one session required to be implemented in every international event.

This project is funded by the Youth in Action Programme. According to its rules, all costs ofboard and logging will be covered by the organisers. In addition, the Youth Dialogue Programme isgoing to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt of all original tickets andinvoices.

If you are interested in taking part in “ToTrain is ToTransform the Future”training course, please fill in the application form and return it completed not later thanMarch 1st, 2012 tobaclijas@ydprogramme.org !

понедељак, 20. фебруар 2012.


Balkanska istraživačka mreža (BIRN), u saradnji sa Robert Boš Fondacijom i ERSTE Fondacijom, raspisala je šesti po redu konkurs u okviru programa ,,Balkanske stipendije za novinarsku izuzetnost’’. Tema novog konkursa su zajednice, a novinari iz Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Hrvatske, Makedonije, Crne Gore, Rumunije i Srbije i Kosova (UNMIK) mogu da se prijave do 5. marta 2012. godine.
Deset izabranih novinara dobiće stipendiju u iznosu od 2.000 evra, sredstva za putne i istraživačke troškove u iznosu do 2.000 evra i priliku da prisustvuju seminarima u Beču i Skoplju. Pored toga, najbolja tri članka po izboru žirija sastavljenog od medijskih profesionalaca dobiće nagradu od 4.000, 3.000 i 1.000 evra.
Od kandidata se očekuje da u okviru ovogodišnje teme istraže različite zajednice– političke, ekonomske, nacionalne, rodne, generacijske – i odnose između njih. Kandidati treba da pristupe temi ne samo u kontekstu svoje matične zemlje, već i najmanje još jedne zemlje u regionu i Evropskoj uniji, kao i da izaberu pojave koje su relevatne, važne i originalne.
Deset priča, nastalih kao rezultat programa, biće objavljene u relevantnim regionalnim i svetskim medijima.
Detaljne informacije o programu i formular za prijavu mogu se naći na:

петак, 17. фебруар 2012.

Provedi devetnaest dana u Nemačkoj za samo 40 evra

Odred  izviđača „Remizijana“ iz Bele Palanke i NVO „CAMPUS15“ iz Nemačke, po peti put za redom organizuju međunarodni omladinski letnji kamp u Maltezerhofu, nedaleko od Bona, Nemačka, pod nazivom “Get up, Stand up, Speak up -Young People Go for a Peaceful and Joint Europe”
Кamp će okupiti oko 40 učesnika uzrasta 15 i 16 godina iz šest Evropskih zemalja: Srbija, Crna Gora,  Bosna i Hercegovina, Hrvatska, Nemačka i Poljska. Vreme održavanja kampa je od 26. 07. do 13.08. 2012. godine. Prijavi se i ti! Rafting, ekstremni sportovi, obilasci gradova i razli ite kreativne, muzičke i sportske radionice samo su deo devetnaestodnevnog programa koji te čeka. Upoznaj i druži se sa vršnjacima iz drugih zemalja, upoznaj njihovu kulturu i podeli sa njima svoja interesovanja!
Učesnička taksa iznosi 40 evra i predstavlja skromni doprinos za finansiranje sveobuhvatnog programa, prevoza, smeštaja i osiguranja tokom trajanja cele aktivnosti.
Aktivnost  kampa je kao i prethodnih godina finansirana kroz fondove Evropske komisije, program„Mladi u akciji“.
Više detalja oko programa kampa, načina prijave kao i uslova neophodnih za odlazak na kamp možete naći na zvaničnoj internet prezentaciji organizacije „CAMPUS15“ : 

Rok za prijavu je 26. mart 2012.god. Prijavu možete preuzeti naPrijava se šalje isključivo u rukopisu na poštansku adresu naznačenu u prijavi. Koordinator programa za Srbiju je član uprave Odreda izviđača “Remizijana”, Marija Pavlović. Za sva eventualna pitanja, nedumice ili dodatne informacije možete se obratiti na 

четвртак, 16. фебруар 2012.

Studentska konferencija u Mariboru 2012

The history of the Student Conference in Maribor reaches back in 1996, under a different name at that time. A few years later it got the new name and image as it has today.
Approximate number of participants has been increasing, and a few years back reached 100. At that time, most participants came from the countries of former Yugoslavia, but in the last three years the number of participants moved to around 60, which is almost half as much as a few years ago.
Every year, there are approximately 15 different countries represented from all over the world, which gives SCiM an international and intercultural touch. For example, in 2008, when SCiM celebrated its 10th anniversary, theoretical and practical workshops were based on intercultural dialogue.
In 2009 we looked for creativity and innovations for there were only creative workshops. On the other hand, we found out that participants still wanted debates and lectures on topical issues. For this reason we decided to reintroduce theoretical parts: there were 6 of them, connected to the subject matter of poverty and social exclusion. These themes were also related to current student issues, such as scholarships, youth employment, student work, poverty among youth, youth and politics.
This year’s conference will take place between the 22nd of June and the 2nd of July. During these ten days of SCiM 2012, you will have the opportunity to be active in different workshops. This year’s topic is connected with the European year of active ageing and solidarity between generations.
More info about the workshops here.


Students from all around the world are welcome to apply. Applicants must not be older than 26.


Here you can access the application form.
Deadline: 25th of March 2012
travel costs are not covered

Konkurs školovanje u inostranstvu -ERASMUS–WESTERN BALKANS

Konkurs za stipendije u okviru ERAWEB projekta je otvoren od 3. februara i zainteresovani mogu da se prijave za ovaj projekat do 2. aprila 2012. godine u ponoc. ERAWEB (Erasmus Mundus Western Balkans) je projekat akademske razmene koji je usmeren ka obrazovanju i razmeni u okviru medicinskih nauka. 
Konkurs pocinje od 3. februara 2012. i traje do 2. aprila 2012.  godine. Stipendija osim skolarine obezbedjuje i mesecni dzeparac, troskove putovanja, osiguranje i troskove ucesca/prijave.

U okviru ove razmene partnerski univerziteti okupljaju studente iz Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Makedonije (FYROM), Kosova (u sklopu rezolucije 1244) i Srbije, a studenti sa  Zapadnog Balkana ce imati mogucnost da studiraju na sledecim univerzitetima: 

Erasmus University Medical Centar Rotterdam (Erasmus MC) (koordinator projekta) – Roterdam, Holandija
University of Torino – Torino, Italija
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Rim i Kampobaso, Italija
UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology - Austrija
Ludwig – Maximilians – University Munich – Minhen, Nemacka

Na konkurs mogu da konkurisu svi studenti, postdiplomci i nastavno osoblje koji su drzavljani Republike Srbije (a da spadaju u jednu od tri ciljne grupe definisane od strane ERAWEB programa).

Vise informacija o ciljnim grupama, potrebnoj dokumentaciji, nacinu prijave i samom programu mozete pronaci na sajtu ERAWEB-a (www.erasmus-westernbalkans.eu) ili postaviti direktno pitanje na i-mejl adresu: eraweb@erasmusmc.nl

Potrebno 7 stručnih saradnika

Udruženje Pravo Gore planira da u prvom kvartalu 2012 godine pokrene inicijativu za projekat namenjen deci i mladima ometenim u razvoju. Ovim projektom, koji će trajati 2 godine, biće obuhvaćeno oko 50 korisnika i članovi njihovih porodica, što ukupno čini oko 200 korisnika. Projektne aktivnosti u najširem obimu se sastoje od psihocijalne podrške , edukacije, kreativnih radionica i druženja dece i mladih sa krajnim ciljem osnaživanje porodice i njihova socijalizcija i integracija u lokalnu zajednicu a i šire.
Krajni cilj projekta je osnivanje socijalnog preduzeća čija bi delatnost bila socijalna problematika dece I mladih ometenih u razvoju. U pripremi i realizaciji projekta predviđeno je učešće 7 stručnih saradnika:
-Socijalni radnik
Pozivamo sve zainteresovane navedene stručne profile da se jave koordinatoru projekta dipl. Def. Nataši Šević za sve neophodne iinformacije o projektu, uslovima angažovanja I svim ostalim bitnim segmentima inicijative.
Udruženje „Pravo Gore“
1107Novi Beograd,
Pere Segedinca 11/10
tel. 0011 157 363, mob. 060/586 36 36www.pravogore.rs

среда, 15. фебруар 2012.

„Case Study Show 2012“

Evropska studentska organizacija ESTIEM sa Fakulteta organizacionih nauka po šesti put organizuje manifestaciju internacionalnog i edukativnog karaktera „Case Study Show 2012“ koja će se održati od 05. do 07. aprila.
Case Study Show je jedan od najvećih projekata edukativnog karaktera koji pruža priliku studentima da se nađu u ulozi menadžera i suoče se sa poslovnim problemima današnjice. Po prvi put ove godine Case Study Show otvara vrata studentima Univerziteta u Beogradu. Tokom trodnevnog ESTIEM događaja studenti će moći da učestvuju u panel diskusiji, upoznaju se sa predstavnicima kompanija i predstave im se u najboljem svetlu kroz rešavanje problema iz prakse.
Kao i do sada, tokom prva dva dana Case Study Show-a, studenti Fakulteta organizacionih naukaće imati priliku da u timovima sa kolegama iz Evrope prezentuju rešenje konkretnog poslovnog problema vodećih kompanija na našem tržištu. Nakon toga će kroz radionice ostvariti interaktivni odnos sa predstavnicima kompanija.
Po prvi put kroz program trećeg dana događaja ESTIEM omogućava studentima Univerziteta u Beogradu da se upoznaju sa Case Study metodom, da iskažu svoje mišljenje i stavove kroz panel diskusiju na ovu temu. Takođe, studenti će imati priliku da rešavaju kraći poslovni problem kompanija kao i da “zavedu” kompaniju za tri minuta.
Tokom trećeg dana održaće se i Company Show, mini sajam zaposlenja. Kao i na svakom sajmu, svi prisutni će moći da stupe u kontakt sa predstavnicima kompanija, ostave svoj CV, i tako ostvare priliku za potencijalno zaposlenje. Case Study Show će pokazati studentima put koji vodi do uspeha i kako da smelo koračaju njime.
Više informacija možete pronaći na sajtu www.casestudyshow.org.rs. ili putem maila na iva.ilic@estiem.org .

субота, 11. фебруар 2012.

Apel je uspeo, putevi su prohodni, krize nema...

        Često se pitam da li u ovoj zemlji iko razmislja pre nego sto nesto uradi? Verovatno da ne, jer nam ne bi bilo ovako. Većina se vodi sitnim interesima i emocijama a razuma nigde. Ovo hladno vreme mi je poslužilo da ponovo pročitam knjigu Arčibalda Rajsa „Čujte Srbi.....ČUVAJTE SE SEBE“. Obzirom je nestvarno kako se naš narod nije promenio ni posle toliko godina od kada je knjiga napisana. Čitam kjnigu i ne verujem. Kao da je pisana za ovaj period.
       Mediji su puni hvalospeva o Evropskoj uniji, o tome kako će sve biti bolje kad budemo deo jedne takve porodice. Možda će tako i biti a možda i neće. Ono što se sigurno neće promeniti to smo mi, mi kao narod, mi kao građani, mi kao sugrađani, kao komšije i kao prijatelji.
       Juće sam čekao prevoz preko 15 minuta, što možda nije mnogo da nije -10C a stanica nije prepuna ljudi. Autobus konačno stiže i tada kreće umetnost ulaska i validiranja busplusa pred mase koja pokusava da uđe makar i tebi preko glave. No, to je nešto na šta smo navikli ali mi nikako nije jasno kako vozaš GSP nema obzira da prvo zatvori vrata pre nego sto krene, jer sve je klizavo a autobus je pun snega i ljudi. Vrhunac svega je, da je par puta krenuo sa srednjim i zadnjim vratima otvorenim, pa smo mu mahali kroz vrata da bi nas ugledao na retrovizru pre nego sto počnemo da ispadamo. To je nešto što Evropska unija ne može da promeni, to moramo sami.
      Dokle ćemo, mi građani ove zemlje trpeti zbog neprofesionalnosti i neznanja brojnih službenika na raznim pozicijama u javnim službama. Zašto kada uđete u banku ili bilo koju privatnu uslužnu radnju naiđete na znatno prijatniju uslugu a pre svega bržu? Koliko radiš toliko zaradis, koliko si uspešan toliko ćeš napredovati. Ovo je idealan tip, njega mi ne poznajemo bar ne u većini slučajeva. Mala smo zemlja i svako poznaje nekoga ko može da mu pomogne u nečemu. Svi idemo tom linijom manjeg otpora. Zalažemo se za jačanje države a sami je uništavamo, tražimo druge da je poštuju a prvi mi kršimo njene zakone, očekujemo napredak i bolji život a ništa ne činimo da do toga dođe. To je nešto što Evropska unija ne može da promeni, to moramo sami.
       U nevolji se uvek vidi ko je kakav. Kao da nam nije dovoljno teško pa nam je još samo ovo loše vreme trebalo. Snega imamo za izvoz ali ga niko neće. Službe čiste puteve od snega i bacaju na trotoare, gradjani KADA čiste trotoare bacaju ga na ulice i tako u krug. Vlada poziva građane na solidarnost i strpljenje. Evo već koliko je proslo od prvog snega a u mojoj ulicu tek po neki deo trotoara je očišćen ispred zgrada i kuća i to vrlo često da bi mogli automobilima da izađu iz garaže. Niko neće da uradi nešto ako njemu ne znači a očekuje da to drugi rade. Hoćemo svi čiste trotoare a niko da očisti prvo svoj. Uzalud su kazne i zakoni kada se ne poštuju, doneti su samo da bi postojali. Apel je uspeo, putevi su prohodni, krize nema.To je nešto što Evropska unija ne može da promeni, to moramo sami.

       Dok Srbi ne shvate da Evropska unije nije raj, da Rusija nije majka, da SAD nije obećana zemlja i da treba svoj glas da dignu i da ga upotrebe za bolje DANAS a ne za neko bolje PREKOSUTRA, uvek će nas iznenatiti SNEG usred ZIME.

Aleksandar Dašić                                                                                             11.02.2012. Beograd

                                                          Ovo je naša obaveza!!!