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недеља, 13. мај 2012.

Event – Budi Coolturan (Menadžment u oblasti kulture)

Evropska studentska organizacija ESTIEM, sa Fakulteta organizacionih nauka, i ove godine organizuje projekat pod nazivom “Budi Coolturan“. Projekat će se održati 23. i 24. maja 2012. godine, u prostorijama Biblioteke grada Beograda.
Organizacioni tim projekta, grupa mladih i vrednih entuzijasta, pred sebe je postavio cilj – dvodnevni projekat čija je tema „Kako se uspešno baviti menadžmentom u oblasti kulture?” i čiji se uspeh ogleda u zadovoljnim učesnicima.
Studentima Beogradskog univerziteta pruža se jedinstvena prilika da se, kroz zajednički rad i razmenu stečenih iskustava, oprobaju u rešavanju studija slučaja.
Prvog dana, 23. maja, zainteresovani će biti u prilici da čuju vrsne stručnjake, prisustvuju nadasve interesantnim predavanjima i time svoje teorijsko znanje potkrepe korisnim informacijama iz prakse.
Drugog dana, 24. maja, 48 studenata Fakulteta organizacionih nauka i umetničkih fakulteta biće u prilici da svojim kreativnim rešenjima doprinese radu 4 kulturne institucije. Za svaku instituciju će po 3 tima, od kojih svaki broji 4 člana, rešavati studije slučaja. Timovi će, u dogovoru sa predstavnicima institucija, moći da posete kulturne institucije za koje rade studiju slučaja.

Prijave za učešće na projektu počinju 08. maja na ovoj internet stranici. Prihvatite izazov, budite drugačiji. Originalnost je na ceni.
Ukoliko studirate menadžment, zanima vas kultura, ne propustite ovu jedinstvenu priliku da učestvujete u rešavanju realnih problema koje imaju: Pozorište na Terazijama, Muzej Nikole Tesle, Muzički festival EXIT i Međunarodni filmski festival FEST.
Potkrepite svoje teoretsko znanje korisnim informacija iz prakse koje će vam preneti vrsni stručnjaci „Noći muzeja“, Muzičkog festivala EXIT, kampanje Vlade Divca – „Stvarno važno“, Muzeja Nikole Tesle i mnogih drugih.
Budite coolturni – budite drugaciji! Prijavite se do 15. maja 2012. Orginalnost je na ceni! Vidimo se 23. i 24. maja u Biblioteci grada Beograda.

петак, 11. мај 2012.

3rd Young Scientists Forum (YSF) on Central and South East Europe


The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna, and partners are organizing the 3rd Young Scientists Forum (YSF) on Central and South East Europe on “(In-)Equality – Political, Economic, Social, Spatial and Gender Aspects”.
Inequality has increased in Central and South East Europe after the fall of the Iron Curtain and during transformation. While Communist regimes laid some emphasis on disparity equalisation – thus also overburdening in this way their economies and promoting their breakdown – post-communist countries were rather inclined to apply liberal and neo-classical political concepts, relying on the forces of the free market much more than e.g the social market economies of West Central Europe such as Germany and Austria. Inequalities appeared and became more and more significant in a vertical as well as in a horizontal (spatial) and gender dimension. Questions arise such as:
  • whether such inequalities were unavoidable in a period of transformation,
  • whether they are sustainable or will lead to fragmented societies, social and political conflict,
  • whether they can be seen as inefficient use of socioeconomic capacities and resources
  • and what is to be done to balance and compensate inequality.
Another important issue and task in this context is, of course, to question how to document inequality precisely in a scientific way.
The following list of potential subtopics can stimulate ideas, but is by no means exclusive:
  •  Social disparity equalisation as an political agenda item Central and South East European countries
  1. Redistributive effects of tax systems
  2. The effects of administrative decentralization on social disparities
  3. The party system in relation to social disparity equalisation
  • The socio-economic NW-SE gap in Europe – can a secular phenomenon be changed?
  1. Relative economic performance of countries by macro-economic indicators
  2. Reasons for a macroregional gap
  3. Documented and expected effects of European integration like
  4. cohesion and regional development policies,
  5. Common Agricultural Policy,
  6. adaptation to a Western European legal and societal system,
  7. TEN-T corridors,
  8. ceding powers to European institutions,
  9. trust in European versus domestic institutions.
  10. Europeanization – pros and cons
  • Urban/rural and other spatial disparities in Central and South East Europe
  1. Reasons for urban/rural socio-economic disparities
  2.  Characteristics of rural development
  3. Characteristics of urban development
  4. Domestic migration
  5. Regional development policies and programs
  6. Tourism as a driving force of regional development
  7. The roles of local and regional governance in spatial disparity equalisation
  8. Space-related identity building as an ingredient of regional development
  9. The role of trans-border cooperation on the regional and local level for regional development
  •  The widening social gap in Central and South East Europe
  1. Social polarization and its reasons
  2. Socially disadvantaged groups (e.g. Roma)
  3. Emigration as a way out?
  4. Consequences of emigration
  5. Brain drain
  6. Demographic decline
  7. The ambivalent role of emigration (negative and positive effects: remittances, reduced unemployment, better opportunities for the people at home)
  8. The role of the educational system
  9. Who works against the social gap? The role of the state, civil society institutions, churches…
  • Gender equality in Central and South East Europe?
  1. Gender (in)equality related to cultural groups
  2. Gender (in)equality in education
  3. Gender (in)equality in the economy
  4. Gender (in)equality in politics
  5. Measures of equality enforcement taken
  6. The influence of the Western model
- Promoting and encouraging young scientists to engage in the regions of Central and South East Europe;
- Presentation of innovative research to a wider public;
- Exchange between young and more advanced researchers on topics, methods, sources and results;
- Networking;
- Furthering mobility within the region;
- Publication of contributions and results.


The Forum is open to young scientists dealing with Central and South East Europe in the fields of cultural studies, history, European ethnology, media studies, political sciences, geography and sociology.


The symposium will take place 6 – 8 December, 2012 in Vienna.
- Presentation of research papers/projects by high level experts and young scientists;
- (Plenary) discussions;
- Social and cultural programme.


Applications for participation may be handed in by e-mail by May 15, 2012 and have to include a full academic CV and an abstract (max. 1 page) of the research project/paper that shall be presented and discussed at the symposium.
Costs for travel expenses and accommodation will be reimbursed by the IDM.
Language: English and German (German speaking applicants can submit their applications also in German language).
Please send applications to:
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)
Mag. David Zuser
e-mail: d.zuser@idm.at
phone:             +43-1 319 72 58-21      

четвртак, 10. мај 2012.

Konkurs za 1500 volontera za Exit 2012!

Exit festival i ove godine otvara vrata za 1500 volontera iz celog sveta koji će dobiti priliku da steknu neverovatna iskustva u sektorima marketinga, protokola, u pres centru, programskoj produkciji, na izgradnji, šankovima, ulazima, akreditovanju, u obezbeđenju, Exit vilidžu i drugim brojnim segmentima festivala. Konkurs za prijave otvoren je od 5. do 31. maja, a svi koji budu želeli da se uključe i postanu deo ove velike organizacije, moći će od sutra da se prijave preko aplikacije na sajtu exitfest.org.
Volonteri na Exit festivalu imaće obezbeđen ulaz i boravak na festivalu nakon završetka propisanog radnog vremena, kao i besplatan boravak u Exit vilidžu, obezbeđenu ishranu u toku smene i besplatne tokene za piće. Po završetku festivala, volonteri dobijaju sertifikat kao priznanje o volontiranju, što će im biti dodatna referenca u biografiji.
Prethodne godine volonterski program Exit festivala bio je jedan od najvećih volonterskih projekata u Srbiji u 2011. godini. Na konkurs se prijavilo preko 5000 mladih ljudi, od kojih je izabrano 1250 dobrovoljaca iz više od 60 zemalja širom sveta, pre svega iz Srbije, ali i iz regiona, evropskih zemalja, SAD-a, Australije, Rusije, Singapura, Ekvadora, Svazilenda, Čilea, Izraela... Svi oni poneli su sa Exit festivala nezaboravna iskustva koja su podelili sa prijateljima i međusobno prekozvanične Facebook stranice za Exit volontere.
Volonteri će kroz angažovanje na Exit festivalu razviti osećaj pripadnosti i korisnosti za zajednicu, razviće nove veštine, upoznaće se sa timskim radom, družiti se sa ljudima iz različitih gradova i zemalja, poboljšati znanje stranih jezika i steći uvid u organizaciju jednog velikog festivala. Poseban deo aktivnosti volontera predstavljaće i ekološke radionice na kojima će biti edukovani u oblasti primene tehnologija za obnovljive izvore energije i podići nivo ekološke svesti i znanja u oblasti zaštite životne sredine.

Volontiranje će trajati od 9. do 15. jula 2012. godine na festivalu Exit u Novom Sadu, najviše šest sati u toku jedne smene.
Nastup na ovogodišnjem Exit festivalu koji će se održati od 12. do 15. jula na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi do sad su potvrdili:
Guns N’ Roses, Duran Duran, New Order, Erykah Badu, Plan B, Avicii, Richie Hawtin, Gossip, Wolfmother, Luciano, Laurent Garnier LBS, Miss Kittin, Hercules & Love Affair, The Toy Dolls, Skindred, Little Dragon, Felix Da Housecat,
Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, Azari& III, BurakaSomSistema, Sneaky Soundsystem,
Art Department, MaceoPlex, Reboot live, Brodinksi, Kenny Larkin, Robert Dietz, Citizens!, D.R.I.,
When Saints Go Machine, MaayanNidam, Street Dogs, Lone, Pariah, Teengirl Fantasy live, The Chain

Centar lokalne demokratije iz Nisa vas vodi u Sloveniju na volontiranje

Imate između 18 i 30 godina i želite da provedete 4 meseca tokom leta u Sloveniji? Prijavite se da volontirate u omladinskoj organizaciji u Črnomelju, uz obezbeđen džeparac, hranu, smeštaj i mentorstvo.
Više informacija u nastavku. Požurite.

O Črnomelju: Črnomelj je grad sa 8.000 stanovnika u regionu Bela krajina. Od Ljubljane i Zagreba je udaljen 100 km. Više na: www.crnomelj.si 
o MC BIT: Mladinski center BIT je NVO, koja nastoji da bude motor omladinskog života u gradu. Više na:http://www.seeyn.org/text/3.htm i www.mc-bit.si
O projektu: BiT the part of the BIT. Cilj je da je volonter/ka bude jedan/na od ključnih aktera naše organizacije i da pomogne na svim mogućim područjima. Naročito oko organizacije festivalawww.crnfest.si (avgust) i klubskih koncerata. Volonter će biti podrška drugim volonterima u organizaciji, angažovanim na drugim projektima. Od volontera/ke očekujemo da razvije svoj zasebni projekat, koji će smisliti u prva dva meseca volontiranja.
Radno vreme: od 12-16 radnim danom, a vikendom oko pomoći pri koncertima.
Slobodno vreme: Volonter/ka će biti uključen/a u događaje drugih organizacija kako bi mogao/la da stekne što više prijatelja.
Željeni profil: Kandidat/kinja mora biti nezaposleno lice. Mora biti komunikativan/na, imati inicijative i biti otvoren/a za nova iskustva. Dobro je da voli sport i da je sklon/a alternativnoj kulturi. Volonteru/ki će biti plaćeni troškovi hrane (otvoren račun u Merkatoru, piceriji i restoranu), smeštaja (zasebna soba u hostelu), kurs slovenačkog jezika i mesečni džeparac u iznosu od 85 eura. Volonteru/ki će biti obezbeđen besplatan fitnes, besplatan bioskop u gradu, besplatan ulaz na sve koncerte i bicikl, da se može voziti na kupanje na Kupu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tm_wxzzVQI). Volonter/ka će imati dva mentora, a imaće i mogućnost da se druži sa volonterom iz Mađarske koji će u isto vreme biti na EVS-u u istom gradu.
Trajanje projekta: 01.07.2012 do 30.12.2012. CV i motivaciono pismo pošaljite na:evs.ldacss@gmail.com do 10. maja 2012. Kandidati/kinje koji/e uđu u uži izbor biće pozvani/e na intervju.

среда, 9. мај 2012.

"ANIMATE YOUR SOUL", Training for multipliers in street campaigning techniques

Training course
26 May - 3 June 2012 | Novi Sad, Serbia
"Animate your soul" is dedicated to developing competencies among youth workers to contribute to a cohesive society through alternative street animation and campaigning methods.
Reaching groups of young people that are excluded, isolated, discriminated, while building a tolerant and healthy diverse community, is always a hard, challenging and difficult task. Streets have a huge potential in terms of informing, making awareness, including and building a community. That said, specific methods designed for street work are highly recommended in this field and especially in times when they are not so widely applied.
The main goal of the project is to develop competencies among youth workers to contribute to a cohesive society though alternative street animation and campaigning methods.
More specific objectives are:
• To increase the knowledge level of young people and youth workers in topics like: global interdependencies, MDG-s, social and global justice, social exclusion
• To create pro-active attitudes towards social exclusion and global issues;
• To encourage participation and involvement of young people in social processes;
• to develop sense of common responsibility for the future of their local communities from a global and social perspective;
• To develop practical skills in street animation and campaigning methods (street theatre, clowning, joggling, flash mobs, animation, etc);
• To stimulate the participants to act as “social exclusion fighters” in their own organization and regions;
During the training course, participants will go through an in-depth process of exploring global and social topics and how to apply “think global, act local” motto in their own lives and organizations by acquire new alternative methods for making awareness/information/inclusion. Different “street work” tools and method will be explored and can be used further on in their activities with their target groups and in non-formal education of their colleagues.
The target audience are youth workers (aged 18 and above) that are active in community development field and need to develop multiplying skills in alternative methods as street animation and campaigning in order to reach more target groups in their communities.
Previous experience in local projects aiming at community development or/and social intervention is desired.

Available downloads:

Training overview

This Training course is for 24 participants
from Albania, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Turkey
and recommended for Youth workers, Youth leaders
Working language(s): English
Organizer:  The Youth Dialogue Programme (NGO/Others)
The Youth Dialogue Programme is strongly dedicated to working on human rights and social justice. Its particular focus is empowerment of young people, especially the ones coming from marginalised and vulnerable groups. Most of the organisation’s activities have been implemented on local and regional level, with the young people in Serbia and Kosovo and later on in the Middle East. Throughout the work, we have realized that in these issues, the more global attitude is needed and it is important to emphasise the global perspective and global interdependencies in order to truly empower a young person. The reasoning behind was to develop a sense of common responsibility for the future of young people’s local communities from a global perspective. Therefore, this training course is one step forward in this process that will allow YDP to take its experience and passion to the next level and add the global perspective to its grassroot work.
Contact for questions:
Snezana Baclija Knoch
Phone:             00381641208119      


This project is funded by the Youth in Action Programme. According to its rules, all costs of board and logging will be covered by the organisers. In addition, the Youth Dialogue Programme is going to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt of all original tickets and invoices.This project is funded by the Youth in Action Programme. According to its rules, all costs of board and logging will be covered by the organisers. In addition, the Youth Dialogue Programme is going to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt of all original tickets and invoices.
This training activity is funded by:
The 'Youth in Action' Programme

Takmičenje namenjeno učenicima srednjih škola iz oblasti Evropske Unije, NATO i bezbednosti EUROPASECURA

Da li znaš kako krizne situacije izvan granica naše zemlje utiču na tebe? Da li imaš nešto da kažeš u vezi sa nepravdom i opasnostima u svetu? Da li želiš da razgovaraš i razmeniš mišljenje sa svojim vršnjacima iz drugih evropskih država?
Tokom dva kruga takmičenja, učenici srednjih škola imaće priliku da provere i prošire svoje znanje iz oblasti bezbednosti i međunarodnih odnosa. Prvi krugpredstavlja online test na engleskom jeziku iz oblasti EU, NATO-a i bezbednosti. Oni učenici koji prođu prvi krug takmičenja, tačnije najbolje urade online test (njih 20 iz cele Srbije) ulaze u drugi krug, u kome će se takmičiti u pisanju eseja na maternjem jeziku. Ovo takmičenje će pružiti učenicima mogućnost da izraze sopstvene stavove i ideje o trenutnoj bezbednosnoj situaciji i sukobima u svetu. Autori tri najbolje ocenjenih eseja biće nagrađeno međunarodnim studijskim putovanjem u Prag!
Takmičenje je organizovano u deset zemalja Evrope. Po tri predstavnika iz centralne i istočne Evrope i severnog Kavkaza biće u prilici da posete Prag i da se međusobno druže, učestvuju u interaktivnim radionicama i simulacijama. Učesnici će moći da bolje upoznaju čudesni grad Prag, a imaće i priliku da se sretnu sa predstavnicima EU, češkim ekspertima i predstavnicima državne uprave Republike Češke.

Europasecura ovo takmičenje organizuje uz pomoć partnera iz organizacija civilnog društva u sledećim zemljama Evrope:
Bosna i Hercegovina (European Research Center)
Bugarska (NC Future Now)
Republika Češka ((EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy)
Gruzija (NGNI)
Mađarska (Pillar Foundation)
Litvanija (LATO)
Makedonija (Youth Educational Forum)
Poljska (European Youth Parliament Poland)
Srbija (The Zajecar Initiative)
Ukrajina (Donetsk Youth Debate Center).
Da biste učestvovali u ovom takmičenju, neophodno je da se prijavite preko web sajta:www.europasecura.org. Krajnji rok za konkurisanje je 2. jun 2011. godine.

Za više informacija zovite kancelariju Zaječarske inicijativa na             019 440 225       ili pišite na adresu: serbia@europasecura.cz