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понедељак, 25. март 2013.

2013 – “1st European Passion Academy – Reaching your potential with finding your passion: Empowerment through Training in Key Competences”, Sajan, SERBIA, 2nd – 10th May 2013

The “1st European Passion Academy – Reaching your potential with finding your passion: Empowerment through Training in Key Competences” is a pilot project of CGE Erfurt e.V. in close cooperation with “Plattform Generation Europa” (Austria), CSSD (Serbia) and the newly established “European Youth Meeting and Education Center Sajan” (Serbia).
Within the “1st European Passion Academy – Reaching your potential with finding your passion: Empowerment through Training in Key Competences” we will leave typical elements of international training courses behind us and open our time and the space of the venue for “finding your passion” using elements from OST technology (open space), barcamps etc.
Therefore we are requesting our partners to look for future participants who are eager to face the challenge and to join this non-formal adventure.
The training, inspired by participation in various trainings within the EU and inspired by Sir Ken Robinson (“How finding your passion can change everything”) is aimed to strengthen the personal further development and qualification of youth leaders and those working for and young people within Europe. The intensive training will include five main modules as follows:
  1. What is passion? What makes me passionate? Find your passion! What do you really love to do? (“Visionary Training Session”)
  2. How to accept each other? How to use the diversity? Cooperation and connecting passions to create change; seeking the potential from diversity of people and thoughts/ideas (“Value Diversity Session”)
  3. How to plan cooperation? How to deal with conflicts? How to create peace? Planning of concrete cooperation for the future and networking; tools for challenges in cooperation, partnerships and networks (“Seeking Potential Session”)
  4. How to include others? How to empower others? Empathy and Participation – Give your passion a meaning for others. Active Citizenship and Active Participation in activities and the planned cooperation (“Passion Transformation Session”)
  5. What to do with the future? How to multiply change? Development of concrete actions to depart from here; using the potential of shared passion to make a difference (“Planning for change session”)
The “1st European Passion Academy – Reaching your potential with finding your passion: Empowerment through Training in Key Competences” will take place in Sajan (Kikinda), SERBIA from 2nd – 10th of May 2013.
You are interested to participate?
We launched an open call for participants. Nevertheless priority is given to participants who are applying via the official project partners.
participation fee in the amount of 55 EUR per person is taken to cover expenses which are not covered by the YiA grant. Accommodation is provided in rented houses in the surrounding of the Training Center (single and double rooms, apartments etc.) The activities as well as the meals will be held in the Training Center in the middle of the village. The kitchen is used to cook also vegetarian food. We will reimburse 70% of the travel costs for the YC on the basis of the cheapest possibilities.
A comprehensive guide with further information is available here.
Or apply directly via:
In case you cannot access the given information/links/documents please contact us directly via:findyourpassion2013@gmail.com
Please apply online till the 25th March 2013.
The project is funded by the Youth in Action programme of the European Union

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