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среда, 30. новембар 2011.

BLIMUN Conference 2012, Bulgaria


The Blagoevgrad International Model United Nations (BLIMUN) is an international, university-level simulation organized by the Model United Nations Club of the American University in Bulgaria.
The AUBG MUN Club holds workshops, invites guest lecturers to the campus of the American University, and prepares other events alike, thus allowing members and participants to meet and develop an appreciation of contemporary problems affecting the lives of today’s global society. The underpinning objective of our work is to promote the values of the United Nations by inspiring students to be responsive to the needs of societies worldwide.
It is recognized by the Student Government of AUBG years ago, and ever since exists as one of the most active student clubs here. The club organizes political and social debates imitating the procedures of the United Nations Organization, the European Union, and other international organizations. Hence, it strives to raise awareness on important issues of international relations in the AUBG community. The club also seeks national and international recognition from other, venerable, Model UN organizations. In structural terms, the AUBG Model United Nations Club is organized around an Executive Committee, with the work divided amongst Supporting Bureaus. The main goal of the club is to organize successfully the annual BLIMUN conference.
BLIMUN 2012 is the fourth annual, international, university-level simulation of the United Nations to be hosted by the AUBG MUN club. This year, the organizing team has been working hard to elevate the organization on a level adequate for welcoming the greatest number of international participants from universities all over the world.
The conference will take place on February 17th – 19th at the AUBG campus in Blagoevgrad. There will be two UN committees simulated and with the following topics:
  • Security Council (SC)
  • General Assembly


Every enthusiastic, sociable and motivated student MUNer is welcome! You only have to be
  • University student
  • Fluent in English
Previous MUN experience is an advantage, but not a condition.


The participation fee for BLIMUN 2012:
  • 55 euro – for international delegates
  • 10 euro – if you are an AUBG student.
The fee for international delegates covers all basic expenses of your stay in Blagoevgrad. Namely:
  • Participation at the BLIMUN 2012 simulation;
  • Accommodation for 3 days (2 nights) in a hotel;
  • Meals (starting with a dinner on Friday; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the rest of the conference);
  • Coffee breaks during sessions;
  • Materials needed for the simulation;
  • Workshops and lectures;
Participation fee does not cover:
  • Travel expenses
  • Personal expenses
Details for payments will be sent to you in an e-mail after your application have been received and accepted. Please note that in order to secure your place, you must pay the fee during the time designated in the e-mail.


If you are find yourself as a suitable candidate and wish to participate, you can apply by submitting the application form (please do not forget to attach your CV/resume) and send both documents to aubgmun@gmail.com .
The country you will represent will be assigned to you based on your motivation letter and the overall application. You may select in order of preference three states to represent from the list of countries in the application.
Application deadline is 16th of December. Selected candidates will be notified by 30th of December or sooner. There will also be a waiting list, thus, if you don’t make it in immediately, don’t be discouraged.