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среда, 4. април 2012.


Dana 16.04.2012god.  odrzace se jednodnevni "DRUGI VASKRŠNJI TURNIR" u malom fudbalu u SUPNJU.
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“I Don’t Need a Parachute… to Land in Europe” Project


The project “I don’t need a parachute… to land in Europe” is a 10 months project implemented by Fundatia Corona from Romania in partnership with SPARK Organisation from Amsterdam and financed by the European Union.
The project has a cross border dimmenssion and it is implemented on the EU and Balkan states’ territory from 1 of December 2011 untill 30 of September 2012.
The goal of the project is to inform the EU citizens about the current enlargement of EU towards Western Balkans and to promote tolerance by stimulating direct and indirect contacts between young people from EU and Western Balkans countries.
In order to reach this goal, the project comprised 2 activities relevant for its objectives, namely organising a summer school and an awareness raising campaign.
The target group will be formed from European and West Balkans young citizens, students or graduated from university, interested in learning and spreading information related to the possible enlargement of EU towards Western Balkans.
Summer School
The 100 students are going to be organised in 4 groups of 25 people each. 4 animators (one per group) are going to be in charge with helping and guiding the students in all logistic problems that might arise.
All the costs related to accommodation, meals, free time events and handbooks are going to be covered by the organisers. Also, travel expenditures will be reimbursed based on a ceiling of 50 Euro for Romanian participants, 300 Euro for other European participants and 450 Euro for Balkans states participants. The participants will have to present a copy of the 2 ways travel ticket in order to receive the money.
If needed, the participants are going to be assisted in obtaining Romanian visa. The cost of visa and medical insurance necessary during the travel and staying in Romania will have to be covered by the participants.
The summer school will last 7 days and will comprise:
  • 4 days of courses and workshops
  • 1 day of evaluation
  • 2 days of free time.
The 4 courses and the evaluation exam will be held in the morning and the 4 workshops and 1 sportive event will be held in the afternoon, during the first 5 days of the school.
A major free time event will be organised during the weekend (one day trip in a picturesque place).
The participation to the courses and workshops is mandatory in order to receive the graduation certificate at the end. The participation to the free time events is optional. All the participants are going to receive graduation certificates.
More on the Summer school here.
Ambassadors Campaign
The Ambassadors campaign will have a cross border dimension being implemented on the EU and Balkans territories during August and September 2012. The 100 Ambassadors, which have previous participated to the summer school, will have to inform 10,000 people from their own country about the benefits and risk of the EU enlargement during 2 months. They will receive 10,000 brochures as a support in their activity. Each Ambassador will have to distribute 100 brochures during this period of time.
For supporting their activity, all the EU Ambassadors will have to complete a standard report containing information regarding the way they have distributed the brochures (the environment- work, school, on the street; and some information about the receptors- age, studies and occupation) and send it to us. For their activity all the ambassadors will be awarded with 100 Euro/each.


The contest will be open to participants resident in one of the EU countries or Western Balkans countries, with ages between 18 and 30, without making any discrimination related to religion, convictions, political view, race, economic and social status, disabilities, sexual orientation or sex. The contest language will be English, so all the participants must have proficiency in English. Also, the participants must be students or university graduates.
In order to ensure the indicators from the project, they encourage NGOs employees or volunteers to apply.


In order to participate to the contest, the applicants must complete an electronic form available on the website, mentioning name, age, nationality, contact information, studies and work experience. The contestants will be asked
  • to write a small essay (to offer a short description of their country and/or the people living there, or to present a traditional custom, or to offer a quote from a famous author)- maximum 1 page
  • to upload a photo (one only)/movie (maximum 5 minutes) which they consider relevant for their country.
At the same time, they will be asked to write a personal desire that they believe EU could fulfil.
The applications are going to be evaluated based on creativity and originality criteria. A third element of the evaluation is going to refer to the way in which the materials reflect a cultural particularity of the participants′ country.
Deadline for applications is 15 April 2012.
For more information please use the following contacts.