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субота, 10. март 2012.

Training in Peace Building, Montenegro 2012

Deadline: 17 March 2012
Open to:  Candidates from the ex-Yugoslav countries older than 21 years
Venue: 20 – 30 April 2012, Ulcinj, Montenegro
Costs: All costs for travel, food, accommodation and materials will be covered by the organizer


The Peace Building Training is a kind of peace education that the Centre for Non-Violent Action (CNA) practices for 14 years now, working with people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo UNMIK, Macedonia and Montenegro, and in this way it encourages the collaboration and building of trust in the region of the former Yougoslavia.
By taking part in this training you will get a chance to recognize the key political and social issues in your society, and you will get ideas and inspiration on how to get actively involved in their resolution.
The themes that are most commonly dealt with on these trainings are: violence, understanding of conflict, dealing with the past, peace building, non-violent action, creative development of conflict, gender roles in society, identity and national identity, diversity, discrimination, etc.
Depending on the interest and the needs of the groups, other themes can be added to this group.
Different methods of interactive work will be used for this training - plenary discussions, working in small groups, experiential exercises, analysis of printed and videomaterial, role-playing, etc.
The working language of the training is Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.


The training will take place in Ulcinj, Montenegro from the 20th-30th April 2012.


All of the participants will be provided with accommodation in double rooms, with breakfast, lunch and dinner. The expenses for accommodation, food, travel and the necessary materials will be covered by the organizer. When choosing your travel arrangements, make sure to choose the most economic means of transport because the organizer will not be able to cover the costs for travel by plane and taxi, nor by car if less than two people are using the car.


If you are living in one of the ex-Yugoslav republics, have more than 21 years, are interested in how the people in your neighboring countries are living and would like for your social engagement to be more than the regular voting/non-voting on the elections and the  optional commenting on the political decisions made by somebody else – then your are invited to apply for the CNA Training in Peace Building.
You are especially invited to apply if:
  • You are working in education, media, state institutions
  • Are active in the field of peace  organizations, civil movements and association, political parties
  • You are coming from a war veteran organization or an organization for the families of missing victims
  • You are not in any of the above mentioned organizations/institutions, but you have a strong desire and motivation to contribute in the peace building and the changing of society for the better


If you wish to take part in this program, you have to fill in the questionnaire (on the last page) and send it to the e-mail cna.akcija@nenasilje.org,  or fax number: +381 11 2637-603, not later than 17 March 2012.
If you don’t receive a confirmation e-mail within 2 days, then please send your application again.
For more information about this training please read the following call for participants.