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уторак, 17. април 2012.

Springboard to Inclusion Innovative Youth Initiatives in the Balkans, Croatia

Deadline: 20 April 2012
Open to: 30 youth workers from the Balkans and from other countries in Europe (2/3 of participants from the Balkans and 1/3 from other countries)
Venue: 2nd– 8th June 2012, Groznjan, Croatia
Costs: Accommodation and food provided, 70% of travel costs will be reimbursed + there will be a small participation fee


In 2008 Youth Express Network (Y-E-N) organised in the Balkans a mobile seminar called “Balkan Tour”. The main objective was the promotion of intercultural dialogue and active participation of youth in Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as development of future projects between the different local participating organizations. “Balkan Tour” gathered 28 youth, social workers and young artists who organised debates, creative local events on the topic of participation of young people, intercultural dialogue and Human Rights Education. This project was co-financed by the Youth in Acton Programme and the European Youth Foundation.
In 2012, four years after this successful and unforgettable Balkan Tour project, Y-E-N wants to come back to the Balkans in order to get inspired by the innovative youth initiatives from the region.
In June 2012 Y-E-N will organise the seminar “Springboard to Inclusion – Innovative Youth Initiatives in the Balkans”, gathering 30 youth workers from the Balkans and from other countries in Europe (2/3 of participants from the Balkans and 1/3 from other countries), involved in local initiatives related to social inclusion of young people or willing to develop projects in this area.
The seminar will focus on case studies, transferability and adaptability of projects in different contexts, creativity and innovation. “Springboard to Inclusion” aims to be a factory of ideas! Social inclusion of young people and the issue “living together” will be transversal topics in the whole programme.
  1. Exchange of good practices on social inclusion and access of social rights
  2. Presentation of youth innovative initiatives
  3. Creation of a safe place to allow participants to “experiment” and develop innovative projects
  4. Make a link between issues on social inclusion and Human Rights: Social rights are Human Rights!

Dates and Venue

The seminar “Springboard to inclusion – Innovative Youth Initiatives in the Balkans” will take place in Groznjan, Croatia, from the 2nd until the 8thof June 2012 (Arrivals on the 1st and departures on the 9th June 2012).
Please note that non EU citizens might need visa!


Travel expenses will be 70% reimbursed and the visa costs 100%. Nevertheless, the organizers kindly ask you to try to find cheap flight/train/bus tickets.
Please consult Youth Express Network office before booking your flight: y-e-n@wanadoo.fr
The reimbursement will be done by bank transfer only after Y-E-N has received your boarding passes (2 ways) scanned and then sent by post.
Full board and lodging will be provided by Y-E-N (3 meals per day + 2 coffee breaks). Participants will be sharing rooms in a hotel. If you have any special needs, please inform the organizers  using the attached application form.
Participation fee: A participation fee will be asked. To be fair, this amount is calculated according to the World Bank Growth Domestic Product/ capita (2011), related to the country of residency of the participant. The amount is always between 20 and 40 Euros.


Youth leaders, youth workers, social workers and volunteers who are involved in projects of social inclusion of young people.


The application forms need to be sent to y-e-n@wanadoo.fr with the subject “Sprinboard to Inclusion”: application
The deadline for sending the application is April 20th 2012.

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