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среда, 10. јул 2013.

Krusevo International Youth Conference

Youth Alliance Krusevo in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Foundation, office Skopje and supported by Stability Pact for SEE, sponsored by Germany, organise 11th International Youth Conference “European Values for the Future of Southeastern European Countries”. Aim is to encourage young people to be facilitators of broad policy dialog and to be multipliers of the European values in their societies. Young People, as representatives of the potential for the future of SEE and Europe in general, are the key forces in the process of strengthening the efforts of the countries of South Eastern Europe in fostering peace, democracy, respect for human rights and economic prosperity. The International Youth Conference is taking place in Krusevo, Macedonia between 19 and 23 of September 2013.

Conference will cover the following topics of interest:
  • European Integration of Western Balkans: From Reconciliation To European Future;
  • Youth Unemployment – a View from Within;
  • Young People and Political (In)Activism;
  • e-Participation & Youth;
  • Structured Dialogue as a Bridge between Young People and Decision Makers;
  • Young People‘s Participation in Politics and Society – New instruments of democracy
Eligible to apply are youth leaders, workers and activists between the ages of 18-30 from Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Germany, Montenegro, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey; In particular participants that are experienced in the youth field and familiar with the Conference topic. They should be open to enrich their knowledge and awareness regarding the European values, Youth work and EU integration of SEE, and are willing to prepare themselves for the conference subjects, previous to their arrival and to do the remote work requested by the team in case of selection. The conference working language is English.


Participation is free of charge. All the other costs during the conference including accommodation, main mealsand coffee breaks will be covered by the project grants. Participants will have to cover 20% of travel cost to reach the conference venue.


The applicants are requested to fill in the online application .The call for participants will be open till 10 September 2013. Selection of the participants will be based on “first come – first serve” if fulfilling minimum requirements and sending organization.
In case of any questions regarding the application and conference in general, please contact conference@youthalliance.org.mk.
For more detailed information visit the official website.

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